京东|美网友问:如果中国的技术持续进步,美国将会发生什么?( 六 )

换句话说 , 中国一直专注于技术扩散——获取不一定被认为是“前沿”的技术 , 并在本国经济中扩散 , 以推动其发展 。 随着时间的推移 , 中国已经逐渐赶上 , 并越来越接近技术前沿 。 它还没有完全达到 , 但在许多情况下 , “流血的边缘”就在大喊的距离之内 , 在某些情况下 , 它甚至可能就站在边缘 。
Going forward it is almost inevitable that China starts to help push that technology frontier forward. There is just too much inertia and momentum behind this push — one-fifth of humanity striving for a better quality of life. How much the U.S. can benefit from this depends on how well we handle ourselves.
展望未来 , 中国开始帮助推动这一技术前沿的发展几乎是不可避免的 。 在这一推动的背后有太多的惯性和动力——五分之一的人类在努力提高生活质量 。 美国能从中受益多少 , 取决于我们如何处理好自己 。

Both efforts are important. Pushing the technology frontier forward increases the maximum potential for human civilization. Done right proliferating the knowledge gained at the technology frontier into the rest of the population generally results in better lives for everyone.
这两项努力都很重要 。 推动技术前沿的发展会增加人类文明的最大潜力 。 如果做得好 , 将在技术前沿获得的知识扩散到其他人群中 , 通常会让每个人的生活变得更好 。
A world of “distributed plenty”
With all of the progress being made at the technology frontier we are gradually moving towards a world of plenty:
随着科技前沿取得的所有进步 , 我们正逐渐走向一个富足的世界:

  • The combination of solar technology and battery technology or other storage technologies can remove the former constraint of limited energy resources.
  • 太阳能技术与电池技术或其他存储技术的结合可以消除以前能源资源有限的限制 。
  • Software will continue to play an increasing role in the efficient allocation of resources and matching supply of goods and services with demand.
  • 软件将继续在有效分配资源和使商品和服务的供应与需求相匹配方面发挥越来越大的作用 。
  • Robots and automation technology will continue to remove the need physical human labor in the manufacturing of physical goods or provision of services.
  • 机器人和自动化技术将继续消除制造实物商品或提供服务所需的体力劳动 。
  • Future technology advances may expand the scope of human civilization beyond this planet.
  • 未来的技术进步可能会将人类文明的范围扩大到地球之外 。
By and large most innovation today is driven by the invention of or incremental improvements made in non-finite goods and services.
总的来说 , 今天的大多数创新都是由对非有限商品和服务的发明或增量改进所驱动的 。