京东|美网友问:如果中国的技术持续进步,美国将会发生什么?( 九 )

Fifth we need to recognize that military leadership is underpinned by economic leadership and alliance-building:
第五 , 我们需要认识到军事领导地位的基础是经济领导地位和联盟建设:

  • Maintaining a strong military goes hand in hand with being a global technology leader.
  • 保持强大的军事力量与成为全球技术领袖是密不可分的 。
  • But we need to recognize the fundamental truth that military leadership is ultimately underpinned by a strong economy.
  • 但我们需要认识到一个基本的事实 , 即军事领导力最终是由强大的经济支撑的 。
  • We also need to recognize the increasing importance of building strong alliances vs. an isolationist approach.
  • 我们还需要认识到 , 与孤立主义做法相比 , 建立强大的联盟越来越重要 。
We need to recognize that the world is an increasingly complex place and the key to understanding complexity is communication and nuance. The biggest issue I see with society today is the increasingly divisive nature of the national conversation which makes it incredibly difficult to come up with good long-term solutions to the issues that we face.
我们需要认识到世界是一个日益复杂的地方 , 理解复杂性的关键是沟通和细微差别 。 我今天在社会中看到的最大问题是全国性对话日益割裂的性质 , 这使得为我们面临的问题提出好的、长期的解决方案变得异常困难 。