双十一|外媒:中国正在赢得控制21世纪最有价值商品的竞赛( 五 )

There are no real applications for 5G and hence the number of Mobile 5G in the US is limited. What the study needs to address how much of the Chinese 5G has added to theor GDP. Zero. There is nothing new that the Chinese have accomplished in Quantum Computing either.
5G还没有真正的应用 , 因此美国移动5G的数量是有限的 。 这项研究需要解决的是中国5G对GDP的贡献有多大 。 零 。 中国人在量子计算方面也没有什么新成就 。
Where China is ahead of the US is in EV and Green Energy Tech. Chinese have no choice but to spend money on EV since ther totally depedent on other countries for Oil. Again how much of this is adding to their GDP? Not significant. US has remains the largest producer il and Gas and will remain so for the forseeable future.
【双十一|外媒:中国正在赢得控制21世纪最有价值商品的竞赛】中国领先美国的是电动汽车和绿色能源技术 。 中国人别无选择 , 只能在电动汽车上花钱 , 因为他们完全依赖其他国家的石油 。 再问一次 , 这些对GDP的贡献是多少?不显著 。 美国仍然是最大的石油和天然气生产国 , 而且在可预见的未来仍将如此 。