双十一|外媒:中国正在赢得控制21世纪最有价值商品的竞赛( 二 )

“China cannot grow into an industrial giant in the 21st century. Its population is too large and its gross domestic product too small.” China scholar William Kirby in the Harvard Business Review reflecting the prevailing wisdom of the experts at the time asserted that “China [was
largely a land of rule-bound rote learners”
that could only imitate not innovate. Only free thinkers apparently – not copycats under authoritarian rule – could innovate in the era of information technology.
《哈佛报告》还回顾了《时代》杂志在其特刊《超越2000年》中断言“中国不可能在21世纪成长为工业巨人 。 ”它的人口太多 , 而国内生产总值(gdp)太少 。 ”《哈佛商业评论》(Harvard Business Review)上的中国问题学者威廉·柯比(William Kirby)反映了当时专家们的普遍看法 , 他断言 , “中国(在很大程度上)是一个受规则束缚的死记硬背的学习者之地” , 他们只能模仿 , 而不能创新 。 显然 , 只有自由的思考者——而不是专制统治下的模仿者 。

Well so much for the experts. Today as the Harvard Report acknowledges authoritarian China now clearly tops the US in practical AI applications including facial recognition voice recognition and fintech. It also notes that last year China produced 50% of the world’s computers and mobile phones; the US made only 6%. China now produces 70 solar panels for each one built in the US sells four times the number of electric vehicles and has nine times as many 5G base stations with network speeds five times as fast as American equivalents.
好吧 , 专家们就说到这里 。 如今 , 正如《哈佛报告》所承认的那样 , 威权的中国在人工智能的实际应用(包括面部识别、语音识别和金融科技)方面明显超过了美国 。 报告还指出 , 去年中国生产了全球50%的电脑和手机;美国仅占6% 。 中国现在的太阳能电池板产量是美国的70比1 , 电动汽车销量是美国的4倍 , 5G基站数量是美国的9倍 , 网速是美国的5倍 。
One should not exaggerate China’s position. The US still has a dominant position in the semiconductor industry which it has held for almost half a century. However the direction of travel is unmistakable with China catching up in two important arenas: semiconductor fabrication and chip design. China has already surpassed America in the production of semiconductors. Its share of global production has risen to 15% from less than 1% in 1990. At the same time the US share has fallen from 37% to 12%.
我们不应夸大中国的立场 。 美国在半导体行业仍占据主导地位 , 这一地位已维持了近半个世纪 。 然而 , 发展方向是明确的 , 中国正在两个重要领域迎头赶上:半导体制造和芯片设计 。 中国在半导体生产方面已经超过了美国 。 它在全球生产中的份额从1990年的不到1%上升到15% 。 与此同时 , 美国的份额从37%降至12% 。

One indicator of the underlying and emerging power of China’s future scientific knowledge and innovation pipeline is its intellectual capital. With a population of 1.4 billion China has an unparalleled pool of talent and data. Its universities are graduating computer scientists in multiples of their American counterparts.
中国未来科学知识和创新管道的潜在力量和新兴力量的一个指标是其智力资本 。 拥有14亿人口的中国拥有无与伦比的人才和数据储备 。 中国大学毕业的计算机科学家数量是美国大学的数倍 。
China graduates four times as many bachelor students with STEM degrees and will graduate twice as many STEM PhDs by 2025. By contrast the number of domestic-born AI PhDs in the US has not increased since 1990. In international science and technology rankings for K-12 students China consistently outscores the United States in math and science – in 2018 China’s PISA scores which assess math science and reading were ranked number one while the US was 25th.