双十一|外媒:中国正在赢得控制21世纪最有价值商品的竞赛( 四 )

This time the experts might have a point. It seems the future has already happened.
这一次 , 专家们可能是有道理的 。 未来似乎已经发生了 。 ”
文章底下的网友也对其发表了自己的观点 , 我们来看看他们是怎么看待这个研究报告的吧 。

Of the things listed - only in some semiconductor manufacturing tools and in biotechnology is the US ahead. The rest China is pretty much ahead now and rapidly closing in biotech. Semiconductors will take the longest - but the report is right about 2030. Many predict between 2028 and 2030 China will be able to break any punitive measures put on the semiconductor industry by the US.
在列出的项目中 , 美国只在一些半导体制造工具和生物技术领域领先 。 在其他领域 , 中国现在遥遥领先 , 在生物技术方面也在迅速接近 。 半导体将需要最长的时间——但报告对2030年的预测是正确的 。 许多人预测 , 在2028年至2030年期间 , 中国将能够打破美国对半导体行业的任何惩罚性措施 。

I will write the paper after it has become a reality. Otherwise it is no use to talk about it. Prediction is always error-prone. Just because it is published from Harvard it doesn't mean it is good. Most likely Harvard needs attention to attrat money from private donation and government assistance. It is well known that squeaking wheel gets the grease.
我将在它成为现实后写论文 。 否则 , 谈论它是没有用的 。 预测总是容易出错 。 仅仅因为它是哈佛出版的 , 并不意味着它是好的 。 最有可能的是 , 哈佛需要吸引私人捐赠和政府援助的资金 。 众所周知 , 会哭的孩子有奶吃 。
Many military generals and defense industry CEOs already made speech recently to highten the China risks in order to attract funding for their organization. U.S. Senate just approved an alarming US $770 billion dollars defense budget which is more than the total sum of defense budgets from the next eight biggest countries combined.
许多军事将领和国防工业首席执行官最近已经发表讲话 , 强调中国的风险 , 以吸引资金 。 美国参议院刚刚通过了一项令人震惊的7700亿美元的国防预算 , 比排在其后的8个大国的国防预算总和还要多 。

You reap what you sow. \"99% perspiration and 1% inspiration\" is all you need to succeed. History is filled with many such examples. If the US is not going to do anything; AI 5G Quantum computing and etc will become common place in all cities in China. The rest of the world will have no choice but to buy from China the US will be living in the \"flintstone era\". Remember the AIIB story? The very country that betrayed Uncle Sam is no other than the \"Best Bud\" The UK. History may repeat itself....
一分耕耘一分收获 。 “99%的汗水加1%的灵感”是你成功所需要的 。 历史上有很多这样的例子 。 如果美国不打算采取任何行动;人工智能、5G、量子计算等将在中国所有城市普及 。 世界其他国家将别无选择 , 只能从中国购买 , 而美国将生活在“燧石石时代” 。 还记得亚投行的故事吗?背叛山姆大叔的国家正是“最好的蓓蕾”——英国 。 历史可能会重演……

Number of patents in AI is not an indication of Chinese being ahead of the US. The quality of US patents are far superios to what the Chinese have published. In Semiconductors SMIC the Chinese FAB despits millions being poured by CCP is still two generations behind Intel and TSMC. There is now the Chinese can get the secret sauce of being ahead of the US in Sem Manufacturing.
人工智能领域的专利数量并不表明中国领先于美国 。 美国专利的质量远远优于中国公布的专利 。 在半导体方面 , 中芯国际尽管被CCP投入了数百万美元 , 但仍比英特尔和台积电落后两代 。 现在中国人可以获得在Sem制造业领先美国的秘诀了 。