
Therebe句型是英语中常用句型,意思是“有”,表示“人或事物的存在”或“某地有某物”,它通常用来在谈话中第一次谈论某事,其中的 there没有什么意思 。
教室里有一张桌子 。
教室里有一张桌子 。
教室里有三把椅子 。
教室里有三把椅子 。
浴缸里有一只蜘蛛 。
浴缸里有只蜘蛛 。
公共汽车站有很多人 。
公共汽车站有很多人 。
当时正在打仗 。
当时正值战争 。
There were more than 50 people on stage in one scene.
有一场戏中舞台上的人有50多个 。

2、there is 还用于不可数名词,例如:

There is milk in the fridge.
冰箱里有牛奶 。

There is some sugar on the table.
桌子上有一些糖 。

There is ice cream on your shirt.
你衬衫上有冰淇淋 。

3、在口语或一些非正式的写作中,there is 也可以用于复数,不过这种用法在正式写作或是考试中被认为是错误的,例如:

There’s three other people who are still to come.
还有三个人要来 。

There’s lots of cars in the car park.
停车场里有很多车 。



1、there is 的缩写形式是 there's,例如:

There's a good song on the radio.
收音机里有一首好歌 。

There's only one chocolate left in the box.
盒子里只剩下一块巧克力了 。

2、通常查阅很多在线字典包括剑桥、牛津和柯林,你会发现找不到 there are 的缩写形式,所以 there are 通常不缩写,例如:

There are nine cats on the roof.
屋顶上有九只猫 。

There are only five weeks until my birthday.
离我生日只有五个星期了 。


there be 句型的否定形式是在 be 动词后面加 not,例如:

There is not a horse in the field.
田野里没有一匹马 。

There is not a tree in the garden.
花园里没有一棵树 。

There are not eight children in the school.
学校里没有八个孩子 。

There are not two elephants in the zoo.
动物园里没有两只大象 。


there is not = there isn't

there are not = there aren't
四、there be 与 any

1、当想指出某事物(可数名词)存在的数量为零,用 there aren't any,例如:

There aren't any people at the party.
聚会上没有人 。

There aren't any trees in my street.
我的街道上没有树 。

2、当用于不可数名词时,通常用 there isn't any,例如:

There isn't any water in the swimming pool.
游泳池里没有水 。

There isn't any sugar in my coffee.
我的咖啡里没有糖 。


把 be 动词提到 there 之前就形成一般疑问句,回答时用简单答语,其中涉及到对复数名词或是不可数名词的一般疑问句用 any,例如:

Is there a dog in the supermarket?
No, there isn't.
不,没有 。

Are there any dogs in the park?
Yes, there are.
是的,有 。

Is there a security guard in the shop?
Yes, there is.
是的,有 。

Are there any polar bears in Antarctica?
No, there aren't.
不,没有 。

Is there any ice-cream in the freezer?
Yes, there is.
是的,有 。

1、对可数名词提问的格式:How many + 名词的复数形式 + are there + (补语),例如:

There are twelve months in a year.
一年有十二个月 。

提问:How many months are there in a year?

There is only one book in my bag.
我书包里只有一本书 。

提问:How many books are there in your bag?

2、对不可数名词提问的格式:How much + 不可数名词 + are there + (补语),例如:

There is some money in my purse.
我的钱包里有一些钱 。

提问:How much money is there in your purse?

七、there be 主谓一致原则

1、当 there 作主语且 be 动词后面只有一个名词时,be 动词必须与其后面的名词保持主谓一致,例如:

There is a book on the table.
桌子上有一本书 。

There are five books on the table.
桌子上有五本书 。

2、当 be 动词后面的名词不止一个时,be 动词与最近的名词保持主谓一致

a. 第一个名词是单数可数或是不可数名词,谓语用单数,例如:

There is a cat and a dog on my bed.
我的床上有一只猫和一只狗 。

There is a fork, a knife, and a spoon in front of me.
我面前有一把叉子、一把刀和一把勺子 。

There is a pillow, sheets, and two blankets on my bed.
我的床上有一个枕头、床单和两条毯子 。

There is cream and sugar on the table.
桌子上有奶油和糖 。

There is juice, milk, and soft drinks in the fridge.
冰箱里有果汁、牛奶和软饮料 。

There is a lot of dirt and pebbles on my son’s clothes.
我儿子的衣服上有很多泥土和鹅卵石 。
解析:在表示数量时,a lot of 既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词;dirt 是不可数名词,所以谓语用单数 。


There are flowers and herbs in my mom’s garden.
我妈妈的花园里有花草 。

There are cookies and a sandwich in my lunch bag.
我的午餐袋里有饼干和三明治 。

There are three pens, a pencil, and two erasers in that desk drawer.
书桌抽屉里有三支钢笔、一支铅笔和两块橡皮 。

There are chips and popcorn at the party.
聚会上有薯条和爆米花 。

There are many types of music and food at this event.
这次活动有很多种音乐和食物 。

There are a lot of pebbles and dirt on my son’s clothes.
我儿子的衣服上有很多鹅卵石和泥土 。

c、如果名词是复数名词,却表示一笔金额或一个总数或表达一个单个概念时,则仍用单数 be 形式,如:

There is five hundred dollars to pay.
有五百美元要付 。

There is still another 20 miles to drive.
还要开20英里 。

There is duck and green vegetables for supper.
晚饭有鸭子和青菜 。


在指示单数可数名词的时候,经常在名词之前加不定冠词 a/an,而不用定冠词 the,却通常在补语(通常是介词短语)中用定冠词 the,例如:

There is a bird and a squirrel in the tree.
树上有一只鸟和一只松鼠 。

There is a piano and two guitars on the stage.
舞台上有一架钢琴和两把吉他 。
其实 there be 本来指出的就是某处有某物或某人,所以通常在介词短语中用定冠词 the.

九、there be 句型中的两个 there

there be 句型可能存在两个 there,第一个 there 作主语,没有任何意思,而第二个 there 指的的位置,相比于 here,通常是比较远的,例如:

There is a gas station and a grocery store over there.
那边有一个加油站和一个杂货店 。

You mean the parking lot behind the school? There is a car and three trucks there.
你是说学校后面的停车场?那里有一辆小汽车和三辆卡车 。

十、there be 可以用于任何时态,例如:

There must be a pen in the box.
盒子里一定有支笔 。

There was a business conference and a wedding going on at our hotel last night.
昨晚我们酒店举行了商务会议和婚礼 。

There were two canoes and a kayak out on the lake last weekend.
上周末湖上有两艘独木舟和一艘皮划艇 。

There will be a luncheon and an awards ceremony next Friday.
下周五有一个午餐会和颁奖典礼 。

There has been a big tree on the top of the hill.
山顶上有一棵大树 。
【一场战役用英语怎么说,例如用英语怎么说简写】关注外语行天下,后期会更精彩 。