obviously中文含义和应用 obviously是什么意思中文翻译

And I need to be at my best. Edie Britt's son is spending the night tonight.
【obviously中文含义和应用 obviously是什么意思中文翻译】 He's spending the night?
翻译:我需要有个最佳状态,伊蒂·布利特的儿子今晚要来我家过夜 。
at my best: 处于最佳状态;
spend the night: 过夜,度过整个夜晚 。一般情况下,它指的就是晚上在哪里睡觉,比如酒店,机场、别人家里,都是可以选择过夜的地方 。

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Spend the night in a hotel
另外,如果参加彻夜狂欢的party,或者打通宵麻将,通宵游戏等等,也都是 spend the night 的一种方式 。
You could spend the night with us. 你可以晚上留在我们这里;
You can spend the night at my house. 你可以今晚住我家 。
Apparently, Edie is having a gentleman friend over for dinner.
翻译:显然伊蒂今晚要邀请一位男士朋友过来共进晚餐 。

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apparently: adv. 很明显,显然地,它主要指一种表面上的明显,一种看似,据说 。比如根据听到的,读到的或看到的这些表面显露的证据,而做出的主观猜测,这种猜测往往连说话人自己也不能确定就一定是正确的 。来看几个例子:
Apparently, there was an emergency at the hospital. 据说医院出了点紧急情况;
Apparently there’s a hostage situation. 很显然,有人遭绑架了;
Apparently we’re in competition with one other family. 很显然还有一家人在和我们竞争 。

obviously中文含义和应用 obviously是什么意思中文翻译

讲到 apparently, 在这里不得不提一下另一个单词 obviously,这个单词意思也是明显地,显然地,但它们的使用环境其实是有所区别的:
apparently 强调表面上的明显,是一种看似,据说,事实可能与之相反,而 obviously,强调的却是一种从内到外的实质上的明显,通常用来表明某种情况或事实就摆在那里,显而易见到有眼睛的人都能看到、理解并做出正确判断 。

obviously中文含义和应用 obviously是什么意思中文翻译

I saw you both flirting at the wake.
I saw you both flirting at the wake. You are obviously into each other. 我看到你俩在守灵会上眉来眼去了,很明显你们双方都有好感;
Obviously, if you’re capable of arson, I should have known you’re capable of breaking and entering. 显然你既有本事纵火,我也该知道,你会有本事非法入侵 。
He did break into your house. I mean the kid’s obviously troubled in some way. 他确实非法闯入你家了,从某种程度上来说,这孩子很明显确实是有问题的;

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gentleman: n. 先生,男士,Ladies and gentlemen. 女士们先生们,这是我们经常会在正式公开场合听到的开场白,在日常生活中,gentleman,还可以用来尊称某位不认识的男子,比如在胡博太太这里,并不知道伊蒂要邀请的朋友是谁,只知道是位男士,所以便在苏珊面前称其为 gentleman friend, 男士朋友,绅士朋友 。
胡博太太在这里也是意有所指,暗示苏珊同学,伊蒂今晚要在家里款待的不是一位女士,a lady, 而是一位先生,一位男士,a gentleman,为她接下来发表猜测,伊蒂到底将会如何款待那位先生,预先做出铺垫 。

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have sb over: 邀请某人过来做客,比如:
I once had that woman over for brunch. 我曾经请那女人过来吃过早午餐;
He never likes to have people over. 他从来不喜欢请人到家里来 。
and I think she plans on entertaining into the wee hours, if you know what I mean.
翻译:我猜她打算把客人款待到后半夜,如果你明白我意思的话 。

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plan on doing sth: 打算,计划做某事,比如:
When were you planning on telling me about this? 你打算什么时候告诉我这件事?
He plans on seizing this opportunity, no question about that.他打算抓住这次机会, 那是毋庸置疑的;
entertain: v. 招待,款待,entertain guests: 招待客人;entertain clients: 招待客户 。
the wee hours: 深夜、凌晨的意思,时间段大概是在12点过后到清晨4点之间 。
That night we were so excited and talked through the wee hours. 那天晚上我们太兴奋了一直聊天到了凌晨 。

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We talked through the wee hours.
You shouldn’t bring work at home and keep working until the wee hours. 你不应该把工作带回家并且持续工作到深夜凌晨;
Oh, here's some antacid. Have you ever tried this?
antacid: n. 抗酸药,解酸药, 这是一种用来抑制胃酸和中和胃酸的常用药,用于治疗因胃酸过多而引起的各种胃部疾病,比如胃痛,消化不良,急慢性胃炎,胃溃疡等 。国内药店里这类常用药也有很多,比如碳酸钙,氢氧化铝,奥美拉唑,雷尼替丁等等,都是一种 antacid,抗酸药 。

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Calcium carbonate is a type of antacid
Have you ever done sth? 你是否曾经做过某事?来看几个例句:
Have you ever done anything like that before? 你以前做过任何类似的事吗?
Have you ever asked yourself why? 你是否曾经问过你自己原因?
Have you ever made a big mistake? 你是否曾经犯过大错?
Have you ever felt confused about future? 你是否曾经对未来感到困惑?
背美剧经典,学地道口语 。