

If you’re inChina you’ll find that there is a lot of freedom whenit comes to integrating finances with our smartphones.
如果你在中国 , 你会发现在把金融业务与我们的智能手机整合起来方面有很大的自由度 。
Are you a foreignerthat is looking for a way to join in the fun? Alipay is a greatoption to consider as it uses a “Tour Pass” feature thatwill give foreigners a chance to use this widely used app in a lot ofChina just like the locals do.
你是一个外国人 , 正在寻找一种方式加入到乐趣?支付宝是一个很好的选择 , 因为它使用了“旅游通行证”功能 , 让外国人有机会使用这个在中国很多地方广泛使用的应用程序 , 就像当地人一样 。
If you’relooking to go cashless and enjoy convenience in the form of asmartphone app here is everything you need to know about Alipay asa foreigner.
如果你正在寻求无现金支付并享受智能手机应用程序带来的便利 , 以下是你作为一个外国人需要了解的关于支付宝的一切 。
Send money toloved ones:
Alipay firstlyallows you to send money to loved ones anywhere in China. You’llbe able to have it done quickly and safely all within the app forthem to receive and used as they need to. Great when splitting billsit’s well-used and loved.
支付宝首先允许你在中国的任何地方给你爱的人寄钱 。 你可以在应用程序中快速、安全地完成所有事情 , 以便他们在需要的时候接收和使用 。 这款软件在分割账单的时候非常棒 , 被广泛使用和喜爱 。
Pay utilitybills:
From landlordsand hotel merchants to other utilities that you have whiletravelling and staying in China almost all of them are encouraged tobe paid directly through Alipay. It’s great to have everythingso widely available all from one simple screen on your phone!
从房东和酒店商人 , 到你在中国旅行和逗留期间拥有的其他公共设施 , 几乎所有这些都鼓励通过支付宝直接支付 。 在你的手机上 , 一个简单的屏幕就可以让所有的东西都可以广泛使用 , 这真是太棒了!
Buy airlinetickets:
When travelling toand from China (as well as within should you wish to) you’llalso be able to buy airline tickets to get all information easilymade available to you in everything from prices to payment toconfirmation of the payment.
当你往返中国的时候(如果你愿意 , 也可以在中国境内) , 你还可以购买机票 , 从价格到付款到确认付款 , 你可以很容易地获得所有的信息 。
One of the bestdetails is that unlike Western smartphone apps that are out thereAlipay is not just used in one or two spots. It’s used justabout everywhere in China and you’ll be able to use it widelyto pay for everything in stores your hotel or hostel and more. It’scertainly a modern convenience that you’ll enjoy in even thosesmaller parts of China as this is used widely by Chinese nationals.
最好的细节之一是 , 与西方智能手机应用程序不同 , 支付宝不仅仅在一两个地方使用 。 它几乎在中国的任何地方都被使用 , 你可以广泛地使用它来支付商店、酒店或旅馆的所有费用 , 甚至更多 。 这当然是一种现代化的便利 , 即使是在中国较小的地区 , 你也会享受到这种便利 , 因为这种便利被中国人广泛使用 。
How To Set UpAlipay
It’s greatright? So now let’s take a moment and learn how to set upAlipay so that you can get in on the convenience and stress-freeexperience in going cashless.
很棒 , 对吧?所以 , 现在让我们花点时间来学习如何设置支付宝 , 这样你就可以享受到无现金支付的便利和无压力的体验 。