It’s so easyyou’ll be at it in no time. All you need in order to make thiswork for you is a bank card a passport or visa that are both validand not expired and an overseas phone number. Once you’ve gotthose here the steps:
这很简单 , 你很快就能做到 。 你所需要的只是一张银行卡、一本有效的护照或签证 , 以及一个海外电话号码 。 一旦你有了这些 , 这里的步骤:
What Can You DoWith Alipay And Where?
So why is Alipayparticularly for foreigners and what should you know about it in itsfinancial freedoms? Quite a bit actually! You’ll be ableto do any of the following (and much more).
那么 , 为什么支付宝 , 特别是外国人的支付宝 , 你应该知道什么关于它的财务自由?事实上 , 我知道很多!你可以完成以下任何一项(甚至更多) 。
1. DownloadAlipay:
1. 下载支付宝:
From theinternational version of the app store download Alipay onto yourdevice making sure that your device is up to date with software forthe best experience.
从国际版本的应用程序商店 , 下载支付宝到您的设备 , 确保您的设备是最新的软件为最佳的体验 。
2. Enter yourphone number:
2. 输入你的电话号码:
Enter theinternational phone number as it was given to you when purchasingyour phone and number.
输入购买手机时得到的国际电话号码和号码 。
3. Select theinternational version:
3. 选择国际版本:
Specify that youwant the international version of Alipay (rather than using thenative version to Chinese users)
4. Choose TourPass:
4. 选择旅游通行证:
Select the optionfor “Tour Pass” which will take you to a properlydesigned part that helps you set up as a foreigner.
选择“旅游通行证”选项 , 它会带你到一个设计合理的地方 , 帮助你成为一个外国人 。
5. Load fundsinto the app:
5. 将资金装入应用程序:
Now you’llneed to load funds directly into the app so decide how much you wantto enter into it.
现在你需要直接将资金加载到应用程序中 , 所以决定你要输入多少 。
6. Enter yourpassport information:
6. 输入护照资料:
Next you’llenter your passport or visa information as requested (this helps makesure that everyone is valid and using Alipay with no hassles orswindles).
接下来 , 你将按照要求输入你的护照或签证信息(这有助于确保每个人都是有效的 , 使用支付宝没有麻烦或欺诈) 。
7. Enter yourbank card information:
7. 输入你的银行卡资料:
Lastly enter yourbank card information and make sure it is accurate (this is used topay as well as load more information) to your information back homefor billing.
最后 , 输入您的银行卡信息 , 并确保它是准确的(这是用来支付以及载入更多信息)到您的信息回家结算 。
How To Use AlipayTo Pay For Things
Now that you’vegot Alipay ready to go you’ll want to learn how to use Alipayprofessionally so that you don’t need to worry about the actualworking of the app itself when you are out and about. The good newsis that it is impressively easy so that you aren’t dealing withcomplex systems or features.
现在你已经准备好了支付宝 , 你会想要学习如何专业地使用支付宝 , 这样你就不用担心应用程序本身的实际工作 , 当你外出的时候 。 好消息是 , 它非常简单 , 这样你就不用处理复杂的系统或功能了 。
Option 1:Merchants scan your QR code:
When you get to thesales counter you can display your QR code in the Alipay app and themerchant will scan it using their system to do so. This charges theright amount and all you need to do is hold your phone out.
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