


Tech companies in China chase metaverse opportunities in immersive virtual online world


Many tech analysts believe the metaverse will be the next big thing for the internet. Global tech companies have been hiring thousands of engineers to develop an immersive virtual world where online users can interact with each other in various ways such as games or even trading. China’s tech companies are among those chasing opportunities and hoping to expand their businesses as the metaverse takes shape.

分析人士认为 , 元宇宙将是互联网的下一个风口 。 科汇技术公司已雇用数千名工程师研发沉浸式虚拟网络 , 在线用户可以互动 , 游戏 , 甚至是交易 。 随着元宇宙成形 , 中国科技公司正在把握时机 , 扩大业务


Aristotle 80
It would be nice if some China company can actually make a GPU to break Nvidia/AMD duopoly. Im getting sick with never ending GPU price gouges.

如果中国显卡公司能打破Nvidia和AMD的垄断 , 那真是太好了 。 我已经受够了它们的价格陷阱 。

AL Rizo
【芯片|元宇宙是互联网下一个风口吗?外国网友热议中国公司布局元宇宙】From what I understand the pandemic and crypto surge made the gpu supply ran short. I think the trade war that's going on within China and USA indirectly adding to the problem too. As you can see Chins can't produce microchip because USA blocked them access to the equipment used in microchip production. All they can produce are microchip for mobiles and outdated chips for now.

据我所知 , 疫情和加密货币导致显卡供应短缺 。 中美之间的贸易战间接加剧了这个问题 。 正如你所知 , 中国人不能生产微芯 , 是因为美国禁运了微芯的生产设备 。 因此 , 现在他们只能生产手机芯片和过时的芯片 。

Jordan Randall
Well lets hope Huawei make a successful breakthrough on Carbon Based Chip as the west are adamant on keeping china 10 years behind in silicon based chip by even blocking Netherlands ASML from dealing with china. If the carbon based chip technology breakthrough are successful china can completely bypass the needs for Netherlands Lithography. As Huawei CEO mentioned its not that they can't do low nm silicon based chip but that they don't want to use others patent.

好吧 , 希望华为在碳基芯片方面取得突破 , 因为西方国家禁运荷兰ASML到中国 , 让中国在硅基芯片方面落后10年 。 如果碳基芯片技术成功突破 , 中国完全可以绕过荷兰光刻机 。 正如华为首席执行官提到的 , 并不是他们不能生产低纳米硅基芯片 , 而是他们不想使用别人的专利 。

@Jordan Randall Unfortunately due to the US it will likely be blocked.
不幸的是 , 美国很可能也会封锁它 。

Virtual is nice and all but to experience nothing comes close to reality than doing it live.

虚拟虽好 , 但没有比现场体验更接近现实 。

Lets just hope humanity does not go down the path of replacing virtual reality with reality.
Our destiny is among the stars not inside a VR headset.

愿人们不要用虚拟代替现实 。

我们的征途是星辰大海!而不是虚拟耳机 。
Do Not everyone willing to join or use metaverse in my case i even got dizzy when i use my computer for 2 hours straight.I don't even play game and use my computer only for working.Real world still 1000 times more beautiful compared with pixel CGI amazing graphic scenery whatever you called it that you see on your monitor.