芯片|元宇宙是互联网下一个风口吗?外国网友热议中国公司布局元宇宙( 二 )

不是每个人都想用元宇宙 , 比如我 , 连续玩两个小时电脑 , 我就会感到头晕 。 我不玩游戏 , 只用它工作 。 与像素CG相比 , 真实世界仍比它美丽1000倍——无论现实看到什么 , 都是令人惊叹的画面 。

Iwin Lee
I wish people would using more the Augmented Reality side of metaverse rather than the grimmer Virtual Reality...
希望人们使用元宇宙技术来提升现实 , 而不是更冷冰冰的虚拟现实 。

Deadline tugas
This finally someone really understand.
终于 , 有人说到点子上面了 。

Peter Jacobsen
I want to see a Meta-world where our avatars can go into a virtual movie theater and watch a virtual documentary about the real world a documentary called 'The Real World'. Maybe that'll be the next big thing.
我想进入元宇宙的虚拟电影院 , 观看一部“真实世界”的纪录片 。 也许这将会是下一道风口 。

Karlina Khairunnisaa
Not gonna lie this pandemic make me miss more with real places and interactions and less interested with these virtual worlds...
疫情不能阻止我现实的互动 , 而且 , 我对这些虚拟世界也不怎么感兴趣 。

G June36
Back in my day we called it MMORPG.

以前 , 我们称它为网游 。
Back in my day we called it Sword Art Online.

我们称它为——刀剑神域 。
Y Qisq
Yeah lol Metaverse is a scam for normies who don't play games.

哈哈 。 元宇宙是不玩游戏的普通人的骗局 。

Desie Bawden
I’ll be sticking with the natural . Tech already addictive enough . I have a life to live.
科技让人着迷 , 但我偏向自然 , 因为我想活下去 。

Technology is going to become more advanced and also very expensive.
技术将变得更加先进 , 但也会更加昂贵 。

This is dangerous we don't know what kind of things these thing can do to us especially the idea that you can replace reality with digital experience that can potentially modified our behavior however it want.
这很危险 , 我们不知道这些东西会对现实造成什么样的影响 。 尤其是用虚拟取代现实 , 会潜移默化的改变我们的行为 。

Do not forsake real life and real human contact for a psychopatic dream of some techno idiots.
不要为一些神经病 , 放弃现实生活的真实接触 。

Alam Alam
\"What is the Matrix? Controlthe Matrix is a simulation dream world to keep us alive in order to change to this* show a battery*\" Morpheus from Matrix 1998.
“什么是矩阵?控制 。 矩阵是一个模拟的梦幻世界 , 它让我们得以生存 , 从而改变现实*展示电池*”1998《黑客帝国》墨菲斯语录 。

Khun Agnes
What's the point stimulating real life struggles in the virtual world?

虚拟世界中寻找刺激 , 而现实生活挣扎 , 这有什么意义?

Blast King
Imagine a metaverse like dark web the most freedom of it all.
想象一下 , 元宇宙就像暗网一样自由 。

Common People
Cant taste feel the touch & smell..

品尝不到 , 感觉不到 , 接触不到 , 闻不到 。

Exactly soon we'll be trapped eternity what if it's a bad gam.

确切的说 , 我们将很快困于这个糟糕的游戏之中 。
Pete C
Didn't the Japanese make a screen where you can lick it to taste stuff?
日本人不是做了一个屏吗?你可以舔屏啊 。 (注:明治大学教授宫下芳明发明能让“舔屏尝味”变成现实)