set up什么意思中文意思,set up有发射的意思吗?

set up:
v. 建立;装配;开业;竖立
. A new government was set up after the war.
新政府于战后成立 。
set on:
He told her how the boys had set on him, teasing him.
他告诉她那些男孩曾是如何攻击他、取笑他的 。
He told her how the boys had set on him, teasing him.
【set up什么意思中文意思,set up有发射的意思吗?】他告诉她那些男孩曾是如何攻击他、取笑他的 。
She was set on going to an all-girls school.
她执意要去一所女子学校读书 。

set up什么意思中文意思,set up有发射的意思吗?

set up有发射的意思吗?
没有!set up的意思是:设置;建立;设立;组建;创建;安排;建起;安装,装配,调试(设备或机器);立业;开业;创业;安(家);开(店);引起;引发;产生;诬陷;陷害;冤枉 。
例句:1.The city police set up roadblocks to check passing vehicles.
该市警察设置了路障以检查过往车辆 。
2.Set up a movie night when the summer rain is pouring outside.
外面如果大雨倾盆就安排一场电影之夜 。
3.The system is set up but it needs some fine-tuning.
该系统已装配好,但需要一些细小调整 。