半导体|美论坛:为何中国举国之力来发展半导体,但现在仍然举步维艰?( 四 )

2019年 , 美国强迫荷兰不要向中国出口任何用于7纳米芯片制造的EUV机器 , 但允许荷兰向中国出口用于14纳米芯片制造的EUV机器
Huawei is accused of Security Threats again.
华为再次被指控安全威胁 。
2020 - US demands that China no longer domestically make Machines to manufacture Chips which are less than 28 nm in return for which US will fully withdraw delisting of Chinese firms. Its a great short term win
2020年 , 美国要求中国不再在国内制造小于28纳米的芯片 , 作为回报 , 美国将完全撤销中国公司的退市 。 这是一个巨大的短期胜利
2021 - Samsung finally has no choice but to keep making 14 nm Chips in China if they have to profit. No need to wihdraw. China has fully cracked the 14nm Chip manufacture at 95% Yield.
2021年 , 如果三星要盈利 , 他们最终别无选择 , 只能继续在中国生产14nm芯片 。 不需要退出 。 中国已经完全破解了14纳米芯片制造 , 产能达到95% 。
2021 - US hell bent to prevent China from commercially manufacturing 7 nm or 5 nm Chips at 90% or higher yields as it would mean the end of Taiwan economically US doubles and triples its efforts. Delists over 300 Chinese Firms.
2021年 , 美国极力阻止中国以90%或更高的产量进行7纳米或5纳米芯片的商业生产 , 因为这将意味着台湾经济的终结 , 美国将加倍或三倍的努力 。 超过300家中国公司被摘牌 。
2021- China retaliates. China says “If we cant make 7 nm Chips or 5 nm Chips locally using our Equipment - We will throttle Global Supply of 28 nm Chips and 45 nm chips and divert it all domestically to our economy”
2021 -中国加以报复 。 中国说:“如果我们不能用我们的设备在本地生产7纳米芯片或5纳米芯片 , 我们将限制28纳米芯片和45纳米芯片的全球供应 , 并将其全部转向国内经济 。 ”
US goes to WTO and China claims “Sorry we have covid related Lockdowns”
美国向世贸组织申诉 , 然后中国称“抱歉 , 我们有与衣情相关的封锁”
Again US is Furious at being thwarted by China
2022 - US decides to break the Chinese 28 nm and above Chip Monopoly by implementing the Chip 4 Policy and bring back manufacturing to the US against all Economic Laws
2022年 , 美国决定通过实施芯片4政策打破中国28纳米及以上芯片垄断 , 并违反所有经济法将生产带回美国
Simultaneously US decides to keep cracking down and Preventing China from building the 7 nm or 5 nm or smaller and more powerful Chips
同时 , 美国决定继续打击和阻止中国制造7纳米或5纳米或更小、更强大的芯片
2022- China succeeds in a Fully Indigenous 7 nm Chip off its own Technology with 55% Yield
2022 年——中国以 55% 的成品率成功开发出完全自主的 7 纳米芯片
US is beside itself with Rage and plans something even more drastic
美国被愤怒冲昏了头脑 , 计划采取更极端的行动
So thats the whole story - China has been fighting a Cat and Mouse Game for the last 3 years against the US and despite that has made strides that no other country could have made
这就是整个故事——在过去的3年里 , 中国一直在和美国玩猫捉老鼠的游戏 , 尽管如此 , 中国取得了其他国家无法取得的进步
How is that not difficult???

In semiconductors USD 50 billion is not that much money. A typical fab will cost you USD 10 billion and TSMC is planning on spending USD 100 billion on R&D.
在半导体行业 , 500亿美元并不是多少钱 。 一个典型的晶圆厂将耗资100亿美元 , 而台积电计划在研发上投入1000亿美元 。
China is already self-sufficient at 28nm and can manufacture low end semiconductors with a local tool chain. It’s likely to be able to get to 14nm by the end of 2022. So China will be able five years behind state of the art. The trouble is that once you get to 1nm then you run into the problem that the silicon atom is 0.1 nm. So by the end of the decade everyone will hit the brick wall.