半导体|美论坛:为何中国举国之力来发展半导体,但现在仍然举步维艰?( 三 )

美国扼杀了一切 。 让100多家公司退市 , 迫使许多使用美国技术或专利的外国公司不与中国合作 , 迫使台积电以虚假借口不向华为出售任何芯片
And China fights back. Chinas Domestic Infrastructure has State Support.
中国进行了反击 。 中国国内的半导体基础设施有国家支持 。
More Money More R&D and over 700 Foreign Overseas Chinese resettled back into China out of Patriotism and Disgust with a Racist West.
更多的资金 , 更多的研发 , 超过700名海外华人出于爱国主义和对西方种族主义的厌恶重新定居中国 。
China has Economics on its side. The Law of Demand and Supply are perfect for China to keep moving ahead in Semiconductor industry.
中国有经济方面的支持 。 需求和供给的规律是中国半导体行业保持领先的完美法则 。
Here is a Timeline of Chinas achievements

2010 - Begins fabrication of 0.7 Micrometer (700 nm) Wafers with 30% Yield
2010 - 开始以 30% 的成品率制造 0.7 微米 (700 nm) 晶圆
2012 - Cracks Commercial Fabrication of 300 nm and above Wafers with 96% Yield
2012 - 以 96% 的成品率突破 300 nm 及以上晶圆的商业制造
2015- Cracks Commercial Fabrication of 210 nm 140 nm 45 nm Wafers with 98% Yield
2015- 以 98% 的成品率实现 210 nm、140 nm、45 nm 晶圆的商业化制造
2016 - Cracks Commercial Fabrication of 28 nm Wafers with 95% Yield
2016 - 以 95% 的良率打破 28 nm 晶圆的商业制造
2013–2017- Creates Indigenous Technology on Large Scale to manufacture Wafers from 210 nm to 45 nm successfully. No more dependence on any Country for making 210 nm - 45nm
2013–2017- 大规模创造自主技术 , 成功制造 210 nm 至 45 nm 的晶圆 。不再依赖任何国家制造 210 纳米 - 45 纳米
2018 - Creates Indigenous Technology on Large Scale to manufacture Wafers of 28 nm successfully. No more dependence on any Country for making 28 nm Wafers.
2018 - 大规模创造自主技术以成功制造 28 nm 晶圆 。不再依赖任何国家来制造 28 纳米晶圆 。
2019 - US threatens China to stop all R&D related to 14nm Chip manufacture if they want to freely import 14 nm Chips from Taiwan. Import everything you want - but no more manufacturing or R&D for you.
2019 - 美国w胁中国如果想从台湾自由进口 14 纳米芯片 , 将停止所有与 14 纳米芯片制造相关的研发 。你可以进口你想要的一切 - 但不再为您制造或研发 。
China refuses
2019 - US orders TSMC and Samsung not to manufacture 14 nm Chips in China. TSMC complies but Samsung refuses. China takes advantage of Samsung and begins to steal Samsung Experts on 14 nm Chips and their machines.
2019年——美国命令台积电和三星不得在中国生产14纳米芯片 。 台积电服从了 , 但三星拒绝了 。 中国利用三星 , 开始挖掘三星14纳米芯片专家及其机器 。

2019 - China cracks 14 nm Chip Production with 88%/96% Efficiency using entirely Indigenous Equipment for use in Huawei Phones by SMIC. The West and US are outraged
2019年-中芯国际在华为手机中使用完全自主的设备 , 以88%/96%的效率破解14纳米芯片生产 。 西方和美国感到愤怒
2019 - China begins to smooth and finetune its 14 nm Production while ordering ASML Machines to start large scale 7 nm Production using TSMC Designs and Qualcomm Designs.
2019-中国开始顺利得整合其14纳米生产 , 同时订购ASML机器 , 开始使用台积电设计和高通设计进行大规模7纳米生产 。
Second Crackdown begins
2019 - US strongarms Netherlands into not exporting any EUV Machines for 7 nm Chip manufacture to China but relents and allows Netherlands into exporting EUV machines for 14 nm Chip manufacture in China