半导体|美论坛:为何中国举国之力来发展半导体,但现在仍然举步维艰?( 二 )

剩下的尖端芯片只占市场的4% , 一旦中国大陆能独立自主生产 , 这张表就会翻转过来 , 因为中国大陆是世界上最大的半导体芯片市场 , 而包括台湾台积电(TSMC)在内的西方公司被排挤出去 , 它们很快就会成为没有市场准入的生产商 , 无法销售它们必须生产的大部分芯片 。

Come on.China began this journey in 2010
拜托 。 中国从2010年才开始发展半导体的旅程
They want to achieve Equality and Parity with an Industry that US began from 1983 Japan began from 1987 South Korea began from 1993 and Taiwan began from 1998 (Commercially began)
美国从1983年开始 , 日本从1987年开始 , 韩国从1993年开始 , 中国台湾从1998年开始 , 他们希望实现与美国的平等和平等(商业开始) 。
And they are almost three quarters the way there. Unless they have Aliens from a Different Civilization in the Galazy helping them - How exactly can it be an Easy Affair?
但是他们几乎已经完成了四分之三的目标 。 除非他们有来自银河系不同文明的外星人帮助他们——这怎么可能是一件容易的事呢?
Of course you will have tremendous obstacles. Imagine you being at the Ninth Grade Syllabus and trying to catch up with a Second Year B.Tech Student
当然 , 你会遇到巨大的障碍 。 想象一下 , 你正在读九年级的教学大纲 , 试图赶上一个二年级的理工科学生
Would it be easy ?
China was the best place to manufacture chips
中国是制造芯片的最佳地点 。
Chips could be made at lowest Cost and so US and Taiwan handled the Design Taiwan manufactured the high end chips as did Korea and China manufactured the Low end Chips
芯片可以以最低成本制造 , 因此美国和台湾省负责设计 , 台湾省制造高端芯片 , 韩国和中国大陆制造低端芯片 。
US made every accomodation to ChinaAllowed the Chinese everything as long as they could make affordable Chips for the fast growing brand of Apple IphonesLaptops and Electronics- most of which were foreign brands assembled in China.
美国为中国提供了一切便利 , 允许中国人为快速增长的苹果iPhone、笔记本电脑和电子产品(其中大部分是在中国组装的外国品牌)品牌制造负担得起的芯片 。
Then China became Hungry
然后中国渴望更好的芯片 。
China used this to leapfrog their own Semiconductor Chip base and began to expand hugely into their own Smartpones Electronics Laptops and quickly began to displace many US/Hapanese brands from the Domestic and Asian Markets rapidly. They quickly began to manufacture their own Chips for 210 nm - 65 nm range with 100% Indigenous Equipment.
中国利用这一点超越了自己的半导体芯片基础 , 开始大举扩张到自己的智能手机、电子产品和笔记本电脑 , 并迅速开始从国内和亚洲市场迅速取代许多美国/日本品牌 。 他们很快开始生产210纳米- 65纳米范围的芯片 , 100%采用本土设备
This meant China no longer needed US or Korean assistance for Precision Sensors or Drones or Weaponry requiring Processors.
这意味着中国在精密传感器、无人机或需要处理器的武器装备上不再需要美国或韩国的援助 。
Just as China had cracked the 28 nm Technology and its domination - The US woke up
就在中国打破28纳米技术及其统治地位之时 , 美国觉醒了
Just as China was about to crack the 14 nm Technology and its domination - The US woke up
就在中国即将打破14纳米技术及其统治地位之时 , 美国觉醒了

And US throttled everything. Delisting 100 Companies or so Forcing many many foreign companies using US technology or Patents not to do work with the Chinese Forcing TSMC to withold from selling any Chips to Huawei using false pretenses