感谢相遇的唯美句子 遇见的句子

Every encounter is like a farewell. There is no farewell. Only in the life of the meeting, there is the world of meeting!
珍惜相遇的他(她),每一次相遇都是久别重逢,因为谁也不知道下一次相遇是什么时候说不定就一辈子了 。
He (she) who cherishes the encounter, every encounter is a long-term reunion, because no one knows when the next encounter may be a lifetime.

感谢相遇的唯美句子 遇见的句子

爱情不过是一场轮回,相遇、分离、再相遇 。
Love is just a reincarnation, meeting, separating, and meeting again.
徐志摩说过,这个世界充满了我们相遇的机会,可是我却始终无法遇见你 。如果有一天你遇见了那个人,请努力一点,勇敢一点,因为相遇不易 。
Xu Zhimo said that this world is full of opportunities for us to meet, but I have never been able to meet you. If one day you meet that person, please work harder and be brave, because meeting is not easy.
感谢相遇的唯美句子 遇见的句子

因为相遇,所以错过;因为错过,所以相遇 。
Because of encounter, so miss; because of miss, so meet.
也许遗憾相遇得太晚,但比起错过相遇已经是万幸 。
It may be regrettable that the meeting was too late, but it is a blessing compared to missing the meeting.
感谢相遇的唯美句子 遇见的句子

与人相遇,就是与不同的故事载体相遇,也是与不同的结局相遇,而相遇,是一场盛大的宴会 。
Meeting with people means meeting with different story carriers and meeting different endings, and meeting is a grand banquet.
等待是盛装出席,相遇是万里挑一 。
Waiting is a dress code, and meeting is a matter of choice.
感谢相遇的唯美句子 遇见的句子

相遇即是缘,在这个陌生的世界,你我形同陌路,相遇成了上天给予的恩泽 。
Encounter is destiny. In this strange world, you and I are like strangers, and meeting has become a grace given by God.
不是每一场相遇都有结局,但每一场相遇都会有意义 。
【感谢相遇的唯美句子 遇见的句子】Not every encounter has an ending, but every encounter will make sense.
感谢相遇,相遇即是缘分,我的心给你是为了感谢缘分 。
Thank you for meeting. Encounter is fate. My heart is for you to thank fate.
感谢相遇的唯美句子 遇见的句子

If we met in that place, then, must we meet?
I want to meet you, do you want to meet me?