meeting含义及常用英语 meeting是什么意思中文翻译

meeting含义及常用英语 meeting是什么意思中文翻译

其实在会议的过程中,大家也都是很放松的 。北美的同事在和我们开会的过程中可能也降低了他们的语速,反正我们这边的同事都是能听懂的 。而且,大家讨论的话题都是工作中每天接触的东西,基本上不存在听不懂或者描述不清楚的问题 。在开了好多英语会议之后,想把会议中常用的用语总结分享一下 。
这里就从会议开场,正题讨论和会议结尾三个方面来进行总结 。

meeting含义及常用英语 meeting是什么意思中文翻译

首先,会议开始的时候,老外同事一般会闲聊几句 。比如说How are you? How was your weekend/vacation?或者谈论一下天气 。这些都是日常的闲聊用语 。然后就会问一下人时不时都到齐了,准备开会 。
1. Is everyone here? shall we get started?
2. Since everyone is here, let's start our meeting.
3. Today we need to disscuss the plan for next sprint, also we need to groom for each story in next sprint backlog.
Today we are going to disscuss how to increase our sales next month.

meeting含义及常用英语 meeting是什么意思中文翻译

1. How about the stories in current sprint? Is there any problem we should disscuss?
2. Who is working on story00001? can you tell us the status of this story?
这个可以对应到其他行业的其他项目上,介绍一下当前项目的进度 。
This is Eric, I am working on story00001. I have finished my work yesterday, but we still need IT service team to help us set up environment for this it, then we can move to next step. It depends on their schedule, I will follow up on it.
【meeting含义及常用英语 meeting是什么意思中文翻译】 3. Is there any problem about this sprint(this project)? Please let me know if there is anything I can help.
4. This sprint(project) goes smoothly, so far so good. We have no problem until now.
讨论完了工作内容高结束会议了,老外的套路一般都是感谢加赞美 。
1. You guys did a great work in last week. I appreicate your errort.
2. If there is nothing to talk about, let's stop the meeting. Have a good day/night.