Faced with this unnecessary \"accusation\" her first thought was the safety of her father.
在监狱的第二天 , 孟晚舟通过丈夫向父亲递过一张纸条:“爸爸 , 所有的矛头都指向你 , 你要小心 。 ”
On the second day in prison Meng Wanzhou passed a note to her father through her husband: \"Dad all the blame is on you you have to be careful.\"
父女心相连 。
Father and daughter heart
大洋彼岸的另一头 , 七十多岁的任正非何尝不是担心自己的女儿:“那一刻我在想 , 如果我和孟晚舟同时被抓就好了 , 那她就不会这么孤单 。 ”
Across the ocean Ren Zhengfei now in his 70s was worried about his daughter: \"At that moment I thought if only MENG and I had been arrested at the same time she wouldn't be so lonely.\"
在交了1000万加元保释金之后 , 被关押了10余天的孟晚舟才得以保释 , 但这不意味着自由 。
Ms Meng was released on C $10m bail after being held for more than 10 days but that does not mean she is free.
她不仅被要求上交护照、限制活动范围 , 还要戴上带有GPS定位系统的脚铐 , 并要定期向相关部门汇报日常行踪 。
She was required to hand in her passport limit her movements wear a GPS anklet and report her movements to authorities regularly.
这样的“软禁”生活 , 持续了1028天 , 脚上由于佩戴脚镣的淤青越发显眼 。
Such \"house arrest\" life which lasted 1028 days because of the ankle shackles on the bruise all the more obvious.
期间 , 她在温哥华家中曾收到了几封威胁信 , 打开信封 , 发现夹带着子弹 。
During that time she received several threatening letters at her Home in Vancouver. When she opened the envelopes she found bullets in them.
然而 , 面对这般毫无人权可言的苛刻条件 , 孟晚舟始终保持了一个中国儿女的体面与风度 。
However in the face of such harsh conditions with no human rights at all Meng Wanzhou has always maintained the dignity and grace of a Chinese son and daughter.
每一次现身前往听证会 , 即便脚戴镣铐 , 但她还是宠辱不惊 , 光鲜亮丽 。 甚至在感恩节时 , 她还不忘给守在她住所外的记者点上一个披萨 。
Every time she showed up for a hearing she was in shackles but she did it in style. Even on Thanksgiving she ordered a pizza for reporters waiting outside her house.
优雅的姿态和端庄的穿搭 , 让挑剔的外媒都忍不住赞叹:“她让脚铐变得无比新潮 。 ”
【芯片设计|华为重大官宣,孟晚舟身份突变:果然,任正非还是食言了】Elegant posture and dignified dress let picky foreign media can not help but praise: \"she let anklet become very trendy.\"
乐观的人 , 在人生至暗时刻都能看到机遇 。
Optimistic people see opportunities in the darkest moments of life.
作为华为的副董事长与CFO , 孟晚舟一直过的是“好几年没有好好读上一本小说”的忙碌生活 。
As the vice chairman and CFO of Huawei Meng has been living a busy life of \"not reading a novel properly for several years\".
但在加拿大这些日子 , 她顺遇而安 , 让自己的生活慢下来 , 有空就好好读书、听音乐会、也和家人每天电话视频 。
But these days in Canada she is going with the flow and slowing down her life. When she has time she reads books listens to concerts and makes phone calls and
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