芯片设计|华为重大官宣,孟晚舟身份突变:果然,任正非还是食言了( 四 )

她逐渐展现出父亲那样的果敢坚定 , 一次次地推进公司服务变革 。
She gradually showed her father's determination pushing forward the company's service reform time after time.
2016年 , 华为全球销售收入高达5215亿人民币 , 是BAT三家的总和 。 其中 , 孟晚舟的全球统一的财务系统居功至伟 。
In 2016 Huawei's global sales revenue reached 521.5 billion yuan which is the total of the three BAT companies. Among them Meng wanzhou's global unified financial system deserves much credit.

有人采访任正非 , 你觉得华为成功的核心点是什么?
Ren Zhengfei was interviewed. What do you think is the core of Huawei's success?
73岁的他毫不犹豫地回答:财务体系和人力资源体系 。
The 73-year-old answers without hesitation: financial system and human resources system.
这是父亲对女儿的间接认可和褒扬 。 但女儿做错事 , 他同样毫不留情地批评 。
This is the father's indirect approval and praise of his daughter. But he was equally relentless in his criticism of his daughter's misdeeds.
有次 , 他看到部门反馈 , 说华为财务部门审批流程太复杂、财务人员经常设阻力 。
Once he saw feedback from the department that the approval process of Huawei's finance department was too complicated and financial staff often set up resistance.
任正非直接通发邮件给员工 , 对财务部进行严肃批评:
Ren Zhengfei directly sent an email to the employees to seriously criticize the Financial Department:
“不知从何时起 , 财务人员忘了自己的本职是为业务服务、为作战服务 , 什么时候变成了颐指气使?!”
\"When did finance forget that its job is to serve the business to serve the war and when did it become bossing around? !\"

回望在华为任职数十年中 , 任正非给予孟晚舟的从来都不是身份的庇佑 , 反而是一种远比其他员工的高要求 。
Looking back at his decades of working at Huawei Ren has never given Meng a blessing of identity but a higher requirement than other employees.
或许严父对待女儿的爱 , 少了些温柔 , 但却让她迅速成长 , 成为一个处事不惊、从容大度的铮铮强人 。
Perhaps a strict father to his daughter's love less gentle but let her grow up quickly become a doing things not surprised calm magnate clank strong man.
也正因此如此 , 她凭借出色成绩打破了任正非所言的“家人永远不会进入接班人序列”的不成明规定 。
That is why she broke ren zhengfei's unwritten rule that family members should never be in line for succession.
2018年 , 经持股员工代表会投票选举 , 她出任华为副董事长 。
In 2018 she was elected as huawei's vice chairman by a committee of shareholding employees.

只是 , 没想到的是 , 一个“无妄之灾”紧随其后 。
Only did not expect is a \"disaster\" followed.

时间拨回到2018年12月1日 , 当时孟晚舟身处加拿大 , 正准备转机前往墨西哥出差 。
Back on December 1 2018 Meng wanzhou was in Canada preparing to transfer to Mexico for a business trip.
结果当她抵达机场后 , 却遭到了警察的逮捕 。
When she arrived at the airport she was arrested by police.
依据加方的说法 , 美国认为“华为公司”在和“汇丰银行”的交易中存在欺诈 , 需要将孟晚舟引渡到美国 。
According to the Canadian side the United States believes that Huawei was fraudulent in its dealings with HSBC and needs to extradite Meng to the United States.
项庄舞剑 , 意在沛公 。
Xiang Zhuang danced his sword aiming at Pei Gong.
面对这场无须有的“指控” , 她首先想到的是父亲的安危 。