芯片设计|华为重大官宣,孟晚舟身份突变:果然,任正非还是食言了( 二 )

Meng remembered once when she was having dinner because there was no meat on the table she dived under the table and turned it over not only refusing to eat herself but also refusing to allow others to eat.
虽然偶尔有些任性 , 但奶奶始终是怕苦了这个不在父母身边长大的孩子 , 总是从家里仅有的一点伙食费里挤出一点点 , 隔三差五地背着她上街去买糖吃 。
Although sometimes capricious grandma was always afraid of suffering the child who had not grown up with her parents. She always squeezed out a little money from the little food at home and carried her on her back to buy candy on the street every once in a while.
“奶奶背 , 上街街 , 买糖糖” , 在奶奶常念叨的童谣中 , 孟晚舟度过了一个又一个想念父母的日子 。
In a nursery rhyme often repeated by her grandmother Meng wanzhou missed her parents one day after another.
直至长大成人 , 在很多场合中 , 她和父亲之间始终有着不可横越的疏离感:
As an adult there were many occasions when she and her father felt an unbridgeable distance:

“我能见到他的时间不多 。 除了每个月最后一周是公司工作例会 , 他会在那一周在深圳露面 , 其它时间都在外面出差 。 ”
\"I don't get to see him much. \"Except for the last week of every month when he shows up in Shenzhen he is out on business.\"

1984年 , 任正非终于转业到深圳 。
In 1984 Ren zhengfei finally moved to Shenzhen.
他特意带上了女儿孟晚舟 , 想让她有更好的学习环境 。
He took his daughter Meng Wanzhou with him to give her a better learning environment.
She recalls living conditions at the time:

“外面下大雨 , 里面下小雨 , 四面透风的屋子里 , 隔壁邻居说话都能听见 。 ”
\"It's raining hard outside it's raining light inside and in a drafty room you can hear your next-door neighbors.\"
在这段光阴里 , 孟晚舟见证了父亲最艰难的时刻 。
During this time Meng witnessed her father's most difficult moments.
44岁的任正非因为做生意被骗 , 欠下了200多万巨额债务 , 随后就被公司开除 。
Ren zhengfei 44 was fired from his company after running up debts of more than 2 million yuan after being cheated in his business.
与此同时 , 在各种原因下 , 他和孟晚舟母亲的婚姻 , 也亮起了红灯 。
At the same time for various reasons his marriage to Meng wanzhou's mother is also flashing red lights.
后来 , 她又再次被送到爷爷奶奶家 , 读书成年 。 父母离婚后 , 晚舟判给了母亲 , 她也改随母姓 。
Later she was sent to her grandparents' house again to become an adult. After her parents divorced Wanzhou was given to her mother and she changed her surname.
幼年辗转多地生活、家庭贫困、父母离婚 , 越是波折的生活 , 越能磨炼一个人的心智 。
The more twists and turns of childhood the poverty of the family and the divorce of parents the more one's mind can be tempered.
或许 , 正因如此 , 往后数十年 , 她遇到再大的风风雨雨 , 她都能轻易扛过去 。
Perhaps because of this in the next few decades she encountered no matter how big the ups and downs she can easily carry through.

2013年1月 , 孟晚舟一头披肩长发 , 盛装出席在华为媒体见面会上 , 提及任正非 , 她使用的称谓是“任总” , 而非“我父亲” 。
In January 2013 Meng wanzhou wearing long hair down to her head and dressed up for a huawei media event referred to Ren zhengfei as \"President Ren\" rather than \"my father.\"
这时 , 公司内部员工 , 才知道一路被老板骂过来的员工就是传说中的“华为长公主” 。