
n. 树;木材;树状图;宗谱vt. 把…追上树;使处于困境;把鞋型插进(鞋内)
复数: trees第三人称单数: trees过去时: treed过去分词: treed现在分词: treeing易搞混的单词: TreeTREE


be out of your tree
(informal) (因药物或酒精等)发狂,发傻to be behaving in a crazy or stupid way, perhaps because of drugs or alcohol
be barking up the wrong tree
(informal) 把方式搞错(或想偏);进错路经to have the wrong idea about how to get or achieve sth
You're barking up the wrong tree if you're expecting us to lend you any money.
你要是指望大家借款让你,你是进错庙门了 。
not see the forest for the trees
= not see the wood for the trees at wood
it/money doesn't grow on trees
(saying) (钱或物品很少,令人千万不要用)树枝长不出钱来,那东西(或钱)得来不易used to tell sb not to use sth or spend money carelessly because you do not have a lot of it
at the top of the tree
(在行业、事业中)高居首位,处在巅峰in the highest position or rank in a profession or career
not see the wood for the trees
NAmE not see the forest for the trees
见树不见林to not see or understand the main point about sth, because you are paying too much attention to small details