该片的灵感源于墨西哥的亡灵节,从开头的剪纸到传统食物,再到用万寿菊花瓣铺成的亡灵桥都展现了浓郁的异域风貌 。
该动画讲述了墨西哥小男孩米格自幼喜爱音乐,但音乐是被家族禁止的,在亡灵节那天因为不小心触碰了一把吉他而踏上了绚烂的亡灵世界,这也使得他重逢了很多逝去的亲人,发现了那被埋藏了很久的秘密 。
Miguel, a 12-year-old Mexican boy from a shoemaker's family, had a musical dream when he was a child, but music was forbidden by the family and they thought they were cursed by music. When MIG secretly pursued the music dream, he set foot on the land of the dead because he touched a guitar.
【寻梦环游记是哪国的,寻梦环游记主要内容英文50字?】Every year on the festival of the dead, families who have passed away return to the world to be reunited with their relatives, but no one has ever been to the world of the dead. Mig was shocked by the colorful world of the dead, and even more surprising was that he met his lost mother and grandparents, and the family tried to bring Mig back to earth.
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