right now什么意思,right now和just now有什么区别。跪求?

立即现在马上 的意思
例如 I gotta go right now! 我现在要走了~~~
He is sleeping right now!他现在正在睡觉!
I have finished the prearranged plan right now! 我现在已经完成了事先安排好的计划了

right now什么意思,right now和just now有什么区别。跪求?

right now和just now有什么区别 。跪求?
rightnow表示的是当前的时间状态,right是表示强调,这个词组就可以理解为now的意思,只是语气要强烈一点,可用在句首和句尾;justnow是表示刚刚过去past的时间状语,可解释为“刚才”,“就在刚才”,大多与过去时相配 。
right away与right now怎么区别?
right away用于将来马上什么什么
right now用于现在正在什么什么
right now什么意思,right now和just now有什么区别。跪求?

【right now什么意思,right now和just now有什么区别。跪求?】right away:
She sussed out right away that there was something fishy going on. 她马上就意识到这里有可疑的事情在发生 。
It was very sharp of him to have noticed that detail right away. 他可真机警,一下子就注意到那个细节 。
I have finished the manuscript and will post it out right away. 稿子已脱手,我马上寄出 。
The mother wishes if only she could meet her son right away. 妈妈恨不得立刻见到儿子 。
I asked her to stay for dinner, but she insisted on leaving right away. 我请她留下来吃饭,她却偏偏要走 。
right now:
Our immune systems are killing billions of germs right now. 我们的免疫系统此刻正在杀灭亿万个细菌 。
‘I really am all right now,’ Isabel insisted. “我现在真的全好了,”伊莎贝尔坚持说 。
We can go right now, ok, yah. 我们马上就可以走,好的,是的 。
I want to redo it, but I can’t spare the time right now. 我想重新做,但就是拿不出时间 。
I’m not in the mood to indulge in idle argument with you right now. 我这会儿烦着呢,没工夫跟你闲磨牙 。