give out是什么意思,give out例句?

give out 和give off的区别不大,有以下区别:
1、强调不同:give out强调的是动作,而give off强调是用尽,如热量全部发散 。
例子:give out 分发,发出、give off发出(蒸汽、光等)
2、用法不同:give off 和give out 在散发出光、声、气味方面其实用法是相同的 。
但是give out 用法更广 。
例子:give off=give out a bad smell。译“发出不好的气味”
1、分发(作业、文件) =hand out=give out≠give off
2、(食物、资源)用光 =run out =give out≠give off
3、散布,公布(消息、公告) =come out/publicize=give out≠give off

give out是什么意思,give out例句?

give out例句?
When posting an email to an email list or bulletin board, do not give out your main email address. 

当发邮件到电子邮件列表或公告栏时,不要公布你的主要邮件地址 。

A lot of retailers out there are embarrassed by the receipts they give out and the whole payment processing aspect of their business. 

很多零售商都对他们发出的收据和整个付款流程感到尴尬 。

With donations at more than 100 bears a year, Fredette and volunteers host activities every year, where volunteers not only give out the bears, but also clothing, meals, and other things. 

每年都会收到100多只捐赠的玩具熊,弗蕾德特和志愿者们每年都会举办活动,志愿者们不仅分发玩具熊,还分发衣服、食物和其他东西 。

He wouldn't give out any information. 

他不会宣布任何消息 。

Give out candies or cards. 


He helps his friend to give out the crayons. 

他帮朋友把蜡笔分发下去 。

"Now I can't give out cards at school," David said sadly. 

“现在我不能在学校分发卡片了 。”大卫悲伤地说 。

If they are going to read, why not give out copies of the lecture? 


In other words, it appears that their minds give out before their bodies do. 

换句话说,他们的大脑似乎比身体先衰竭 。

I know that there is absolutely no need to give out definitions of a true friend. 

我认识到没有必要给真正的朋友下定义 。

It sounds arrogant, but it is the truth: I do not feel I have given out even part of what I can give out. 

【give out是什么意思,give out例句?】这听起来很自大,但这是事实:我觉得我没有付出我能付出的,哪怕一部分 。