钛媒体T-EDGE|谷歌董事会主席John Hennessy: John( 四 )

Combine results of this is that we've seen a leveling off of unit processor performance, single core performance, after going through a rapid growth in the early period of the industry of roughly 25% a year and then a remarkable period with the introduction of RISC technologies, instructional-level parallelism, of over 50% a year and then a slower period which focused very much on multicore and building on these technologies.
在经历了行业早期每年大约 25% 的增长之后,随着 RISC 技术的引入和指令级并行技术的出现,开始有每年超过 50% 的性能增长。之后我们就迎来了多核时代,专注于在现有技术上进行深耕。
In the last two years, only less than 5% improvement in performance per year. Even if you were to look at multicore designs with the inefficiencies that come about you see that that doesn't significantly improve things across this.
在过去的两年中,每年的性能提升不到 5%,即使多核设计也没有显着改善能效方面的问题。
And indeed we are in the we are in the era of dark silicon where multicore often slow down or shut off a core to prevent overheating and that overheating comes from power consumption.
So what are we going to do? We're in this dilemma here where we've got a new technology deep learning which seems able to do problems that we never thought we could do quite effectively. But it requires massive amounts of computing power to go forward and at the same time Moore's law on the end of Dennard Scaling is creating a squeeze on the ability of the industry to do what it relies on for many years, namely just get the next generation of semiconductor technology everything gets faster.
So we have to think about a new solution. There are three possible directions to go.
Software centric mechanisms where we look at improving the efficiency of our software so it makes more efficient use of the hardware, in particular the move to scripting languages such as python for example better dynamically-typed. They make programming very easy but they're not terribly efficient as you will see in just a second.
以软件为中心的机制。我们着眼于提高软件的效率,以便更有效地利用硬件,特别是脚本语言,例如 python。这些语言让编程变得非常简单,但它们的效率并不高,接下来我会详细解释。
Hardware centric approaches. Can we change the way we think about the architecture of these machines to make them much more efficient? This approach is called domain specific architectures or domain specific accelerator. The idea is to just do a few tasks but to tune the hardware to do those tasks extremely well. We've already seen examples of this in graphics for example or modem that's inside your cell phone. Those are special purpose architectures that use intensive computational techniques but are not general purpose. They are not programmed for arbitrary things. They are not designed to do a range of graphics operations or the operation is required by modem.