钛媒体T-EDGE|谷歌董事会主席John Hennessy: John(11)

例如Apple M1,Apple M1 就是一个完美的例子,它是由 苹果设计的处理器,对苹果电脑上可能运行的程序有着极好的优化。他们有一个专用的图形处理器、专用的机器学习领域加速器、有多个核心。即使是处理器核心也不是完全同质的,有些是功耗低的、比较慢的核心,有些是高性能高功耗的核心。我们看到了一种完全不同的设计方法,有更多的协同设计和垂直整合。
We're optimizing in a different way than we had in the past and I think this is going to slowly but surely change the entire computer industry, not the general purpose processor will go away and not the companies that make software that runs on multiple machines will completely go away but will have a whole new driver and the driver is created by the dramatic breakthroughs that we seen in deep learning and machine learning. I think this is going to make for a really interesting next 20 years.
我们正在以与过去不同的方式进行优化,这会是一个缓慢的过程,但肯定会改变整个计算机行业。我不是说通用处理器会消失,也不是说做多平台软件的公司将消失。我想说的是,这个行业会有全新的驱动力,由我们在深度学习和机器学习中看到的巨大突破创造的驱动力。我认为这将使未来 20 年变得非常有趣。
Thank you for your kind attention and I'd like to wish the 2021 T-EDGE conference a great success. Thank you.
最后,你耐心地听完我这次演讲。我也预祝 2021 年 T-EDGE 会议取得圆满成功,谢谢。