11月10日 , 辽宁省教育厅出台了《辽宁省义务教育阶段学生作业管理“十要求”》 ,规定教师必须亲自批改作业 , 严禁家长、学生代劳 。对于不按时亲自批改作业的教师 , 一律取消职务晋级、评先评优资格 , 学校校长取消评先评优资格 。此外 , 还严禁教师在微信群、QQ群等布置家庭作业 。
从2018年开始 , 浙江、海南、河北、广东等多个省份也出台了相关政策 , "叫停"家长批改作业 。
辽宁省教育厅发布的一项规定周二在其网站上公布后 , 赢得了全国的掌声 。
该规则规定 , 义务教育教师 , 包括幼儿园、小学、中学和高中 , 应亲自检查或批改学生的作业 , 而不是要求家长或学生做作业 。
违反规则者将被取消晋升或优秀选拔资格 。校长们也将面临惩罚 。
辽宁不是第一个颁布此类规定的省份 。从2018年开始 , 至少有10个省份出台了类似的规定 , 包括浙江、海南、河北、广东、山东、贵州和广西 。
近年来 , 围绕"家庭作业"的争议颇多 , 不久前一则"家长因批改作业退群"的视频更是将"家庭作业"推上"风口浪尖" 。
ize:15px;">一位来自江苏的学生家长发布短视频称老师要求家长批改作业、辅导功课 , 让家长承担了老师原本应负的责任和工作 , “教是我教 , 改是我改 , 之后还要昧着良心说老师辛苦了 , 到底谁辛苦?”
这则视频迅速走红微博平台 , #压垮成年人只需一个家长群#和#家长群有必要存在吗#等话题也迅速登上微博热搜 。
It all started with an angry father in Jiangsu Province who posted a short video, claiming that he left a WeChat group for parents to communicate with teachers.
The man said he was overwhelmed with loads of extra tasks requiring parents to examine their kids' homework. The video triggered wide support from parents on social media, who have been bothered with similar problems. A topic hosted by People's Daily on Sina Weibo has already garnered 760 million hits and 87,000 discussions.
本是为了让孩子巩固学习效果的作业 , 却变成了家长们的沉重的负担 , 让一些家长直呼“苦批改作业久矣 。”
和家庭作业一样 , 本着方便家校沟通这一初衷建立的家长群 , 也逐渐变成了令人崩溃的“压力群” 。
不少家长吐槽家长群存在“打卡多、点名多、负担重”的情况:家长群被当做布置作业的场所 , 家长需要每天在群里提交作业批改情况、签字打卡;家长群每天信息众多 , 稍不留意重要通知就会被各种回复淹没 , 没能及时回复的家长可能在群里被老师点名;除了繁重的课业内容 , 各种通过家长群摊派的任务 , 如打扫校园卫生、志愿安全岗等也令家长烦不胜烦 。
Though causing controversies, the WeChat group for teachers and parents are mostly originated with good intentions.
"It takes a village to raise a child," as an African proverb goes. In many schools of the compulsory education stage, parents' involvement in the children's education is considered a strategy of the digital era. In 2020, with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, students were forced to turn to online lessons for months across the whole country. The role of parents becomes even more important in the education of the children.
However, as Chinese parents are mostly willing to invest time and money into their offspring's education, there also exist cases of teachers crossing the line by demanding too much from parents. The WeChat group, built up for communication between parents and teachers, become a channel for comparisons and task distribution.
Social media are flooded with similar complaints:
"A parent in my kid's class had to leave his own work report until 3:00 in the morning, to finish correcting homework for his children."
"The teachers left homework in the WeChat group. My kid even didn't know it, so is it homework for the students or the teachers?"
"It is hard to believe as an adult, I am still manipulated by the teachers. It's like a nightmare."
So, where is the boundary between school and home in the student's education, and how could it be guarded?
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