if so,if创业园

if so,if创业园

大家好,本周五(8月14日)19:30,“学外语ABC,建海南FTP”英语角活动将在陵水互联网创业园二楼路演大厅拉开帷幕 。
陵水“英语角”活动通过专题讲座、情景教学、圆桌头脑风暴等方式,为您提供与陵水人才互动的平台 。在这里,我们一起学习,一起成长,一起建立友谊,一起分享快乐时光 。
今天相信大部分注册的朋友都收到了我们可爱的小姐姐的邀请 。不管你是否在场,边肖都会告诉你“欢迎来到陵创英语角!”
陵创前台接待:0898-38 7
if so,if创业园

1.所有参与者根据口语表达能力分为三个等级,即初级、中级和高级 。每级分为若干组,每组4-6人 。
2.各小组现场推荐一名组长,在组长的带领下,各小组就晚会主题进行互动,必须用英语交流 。
3.主持人将在小组之间穿梭提问和回答问题,纠正语音语调,确保小组之间的有效互动 。
4.小组互动时间为一个小时,然后由组长上台做总结发言,时间限制为5分钟 。
5.主持人将现场点评小组领导的发言,选出当晚最佳发言人,给予小礼品奖励,并在灵创注册备案,次日起一周内发布(每期最佳发言人照片将贴在墙上展示自己的风采) 。
6.以下材料作为参与者参考的基本材料 。聊天的话题包括但不限于以下材料 。大家要在以下材料的基础上努力拓展,尽量延伸话题的深度和广度,但不要脱离话题的本质 。
陵水是一个开放、包容、充满活力的地方 。陵水,海南所有市县中经济增长最快的,一定会成长为海南省最有发展前景的旅游目的地 。陵水最著名的旅游景点是猴岛,距离市区18公里或20分钟的车程 。该岛是3000多只猴子的家园,这些猴子由3000多只组成
100 families.
The second place to be is the Boundary Islet, Or Fenjiezhou Island, one the best water zones for Scuba Diving of China. Where the underwater world is home to hundreds of tropical fish and corals, as if another great barrier reef of Australia.
The third place for visitors among many others, is the Clearwater Bay or Qingshui Bay, where a dazzling stretch of 12-km long beach is regarded as the best beach of China, and the beach is also known for its amazing features. It sings when you walk on it, giggling as if a ring bell. The beach of Qingshui Bay has always been described as a sister beach to the golden beach of Australia, another singing beach in the world.
Besides, Lingshui is a county with unique ethnic culture. Aboriginal Li people’s history dates back 3000 years to the Sui Dynasty, during when Li people had been struggling hard to build up their own culture, including language, cerebrations, customs and traditions. If you want to discover Lingshui, Li ethnic culture is a must. Again, Lingshui is just like a box of chocolate, her mystery is to be unveiled by a well-organized journey. So, what are you still waiting for?
Besides, the most iconic project of Hainan, the pilot education experimental zone, representing Hainan’s ambition to go international, is located exactly here in Lingshui, only 10 kilometers or 15 minutes’ drive from here. Predictably, 5 years from now, Lingshui will become the most international city of Hainan, leading Hainan’s all cities and counties in a series of areas such as hospitality facilities, service, marine sports, education, tropical fruit production etc.
So far, Lingshui is one of the least populated cities of Hainan bestowed with the best tourist resources. Real estate is no more the pillar industry since 2018. Instead, tourism prevails. With Lingshui’s steady steps going international, more and more talents will be cultivated to serve the visitors from around the world. Welcome to Lingshui, welcome to the backyard garden of China, welcome to the place where winter never comes.

if so,if创业园

【if so,if创业园】投稿信箱:lingshuixwzx@126.com

if so,if创业园
