

2018年俄罗斯世界杯的小组赛第二轮激战正酣 。不过,在小组第二轮打完后,就迎来了小组“出线”的球队,同时也有了“出局”的球队 。
例如,在B组的第二轮小组赛中,葡萄牙队凭借C罗的进球,以1:0的比分战胜了摩洛哥,自己一条腿出线了,却让摩洛哥自1980年以来的第一次世界杯决赛圈的比赛以出局结事 。
【世界杯出线是什么意思?“出局”和“出线”的说法】What Morocco would have given for some of Ronaldo’s cutting edge. They had none and that is why their first World Cup since 1998 is over.
同样,在第A组的第二轮比赛中,乌拉圭以同样的比分击败了沙特队,以六分的积分携手东道主俄罗斯出线,进入淘汰赛 。《卫报》在报道中用了 qualification for the knockout phase.
The goal put Uruguay second in Group A with a maximum six points and ensured qualification for the knockout phaseas Saudi Arabia, who have not won a World Cup game since their debut in 1994, have yet to pick up a point.
那么,我们今天就来说说“出线”和“出局”在英语中的众多说法吧 。
1、Nigeria were eliminated after a 2-2 draw with South Korea.
尼日利亚2比2被韩国队逼平后被淘汰出局 。
2、South Africa is the only hosts ever to exitthe World Cup's first round.
南非队成为世界杯历史上第一个首轮遭淘汰的东道主球队 。
3、France headed homein their most wretched tournament result.
法国队带着相当惨烈的成绩打道回府了 。

1、Latin American giants Argentina cruised intothe second round.
拉美强队阿根廷强势晋级下一轮 。
2、South Korea qualified as second in Group B.
韩国队以B组第二的成绩出线 。
3、Uruguay sprinted to the top of Group A, beating Mexico 1-0 to qualify for the final 16 of the 2010 World Cup.
乌拉圭1比0击败墨西哥队,跃升小组第一,顺利晋级世界杯十六强 。
4、Mexico will also go on in the tournament, having nudged out hosts South Africa in goal difference.
墨西哥队凭借净胜球数位列南非之前,也将继续留在赛场 。
5、Uruguay and Mexico both reachedthe second stage.
乌拉圭和墨西哥队同时晋级下一轮比赛 。
6、Luis Suárez marked his 100th international cap by sending Uruguay into the last 16 of the World Cup after benefiting from some poor goalkeeping to eliminate Saudi Arabia with a 1-0 win .