
人们往往因为兴趣、爱好、性格相互融洽而成为朋友 , 有的是志同道合 , 有的是臭味相投 。
“物以类聚 , 人以群分” , 中文俗语 , 比喻同类的东西常聚在一起 , 合得来的人相聚成群 , 是朋友之间志同道合的统称 , 可分开使用 。与英文习语“birds of a feather flock together”意思相近 , 表示“People who have similar interests, ideas, or characteristics tend to seek out or associate with one another” 。
乔治:你为什么认为唐纳德靠不住?George: Why do you think Donald is dishonest?
内德:他的朋友都靠不住 。物以类聚 , 人以群分 。Ned: All his friends are dishonest. Birds of a feather flock together.
我一直认为艾米很狂 , 而现在她和那个势利的男孩路易斯在约会 。真是物以类聚 。I always thought Amy was pretentious, and now she's going out with that snobbish boy, Louis. Birds of a feather flock together.
Editor: Jade