有关创新创业的英语词汇,创业 英文

来自世界不同地方的六位学生在美国相遇 。他们都是交换学生,到美国大学就读一个学期,学习英语,了解美国文化,同时修专业课程 。英语"日常会话"(日常对话)系列围绕这六位学生在美国的经历展开 。这套材料适于中级或中级以上英语水平的学生使用 。
在今天的对话中,一个学生(Akinyi)与她的朋友(LeeandPeter)谈如何创业 。
Akinyi:绝对 。我想拥有自己的startup 。
Lee:我印象深刻 。这似乎是一个困难的undertaking 。
Akinyi:当然会很难 。但我不怕努力,也不怕失败 。
Akinyi:首先,我想想出一个解决问题的新方法 。我希望我的生意能在某种程度上帮助这个世界 。那么,如果有一个product,我必须创造一个prototype 。
Lee:这在环境工程领域经常发生 。人们创造了一个原型,然后制作了许多iterations 。原型永远不是最终产品 。
【有关创新创业的英语词汇,创业 英文】Akinyi:没错 。这需要时间和很大的耐心 。初创企业的另一个重要方面是funding 。我必须想办法为我的公司融资,可能是通过angelinvestors 。最终,我会有一个launch 。
Peter:你已经想了很多了 。你看起来像个天生的entrepreneur,所以我相信你会成功的 。
="font-size:15px;">Prototype: 某种产品或东西的原型、样本
An angel investor天使投资人,指为初创企业提供资金的投资者
A launch新产品的投放或新企业的启动/开业
An entrepreneur:实业家,即创办企业并有准备为成功而承担风险的人
有兴趣听更多英语对话吗?请浏览“英语学习”专题网页 。
American English网站提供可供英语学生和教师免费使用的多种英语资源 。American English Facebook网页提供每天更新的英语学习资料
“日常会话”由美国国务院教育与文化事务局英语语言项目处(Office of English Language Programs, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs)资深项目官员海蒂·豪兰(Heidi Howland)编写 。
Six students from around the world meet. What do they have in common? They are all exchange students studying at a U.S. university for a semester. Throughout the semester, they learn more English, learn about U.S. culture, and learn more about their fields of study. This series of Everyday Conversationsis about these six students and their experiences during a semester at a university in the U.S. These conversations are for intermediate-level English-language learners or higher.
In this conversation, one student (Akinyi) discusses how to start a new business with her friends,LeeandPeter.

Now let’s review the vocabulary.A startupis a company working to solve a problem that may not have a clear solution; it is a new business.
An undertakingis a difficult or important task or project.
A productis something that is made or grown to be sold, usually in large quantities.
Prototype: the first design of something, such as a product. From the prototype, other forms of the product are developed.
Iterationis the process of repeating something over and over, in order to improve it.
Fundingis money to be used for a specific purpose, such as starting a business.
An angel investoris a person who provides money for startups.
A launchis the event when something new, such as a new product or new business, is first offered or announced.
An entrepreneuris a person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order to make money.
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The American Englishwebsite offers a variety of free resources for learners and teachers of English. TheAmerican English Facebookpage posts learning materials for English-language learners daily.
Everyday Conversations are developed by the State Department’s Heidi Howland, a senior program officer in the Office of English Language Programs, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.