近日 , 华为搞了一个“大动作” 。
Huawei recently made a big move.
华为官网发文宣布 , 华为副董事长、CFO孟晚舟接替郭平 , 成为新任轮值董事长 。
Guo Ping has been replaced by Meng Wanzhou huawei's vice chairman and CFO according to a post on huawei's official website.
这也意味着 , 孟晚舟拿到了华为“接班人”角逐赛道的入场券 , 在当值的6个月内 , 她将主持公司的战略和大小各种事务 。
It also means that Meng has secured a ticket to the race for huawei's \"successor\" and will be in charge of the company's strategy and everything in her six months on the job.
此次决定 , 不由得让人联想起华为总裁任正非 。
The decision is reminiscent of Ren Zhengfei the president of Huawei.
作为她的上司兼父亲 , 他曾多次公开发表声明:“孟晚舟永生永世不可能做接班人 , 因为她没有技术背景 。 ”
As her boss and father he has repeatedly stated publicly that \"Meng wanzhou will never succeed her because she has no technical background.\"
但另一方面 , 孟晚舟的能力和实力 , 超越了父亲的期待 , 他忍不住夸奖女儿:“烧不死的鸟 , 是凤凰 。 ”
But on the other hand Meng's ability and strength exceeded her father's expectation. He couldn't help praising his daughter: \"The bird that can't be burned is the phoenix.\"
父亲此次的“食言” , 更像是对女儿的肯定 , 而孟晚舟这一等就是许多年 。
The father's \"reneging\" is more like an affirmation of his daughter while Meng Wanzhou has been waiting for many years.
作为华为的“长公主” , 孟晚舟并非含着金汤匙出生的 。
As huawei's \"princess\" Meng was not born with a silver spoon in her mouth.
1972年 , 孟晚舟出生之际 , 任正非还是一名工程兵 , 母亲孟军也要服兵役 , 两人萍踪不定 , 很多时候只能把她寄养在贵州的爷爷奶奶家 。
When Meng wanzhou was born in 1972 Ren zhengfei was still an engineer. His mother Meng Jun was also about to serve in the military.
贵州老家位置偏僻 , 经济条件并不太好 。
Guizhou hometown remote location economic conditions are not very good.
孟晚舟记得有一次吃晚饭的时候 , 因为饭桌上没有肉 , 她一下子钻到桌子底下 , 把饭桌掀翻 , 不仅自己不吃 , 也不让其他人吃 。
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