future英语单词用法 future是什么意思

future,英文单词,关键用作名词、形容词,作名词时意为“将来;发展前途;期货交易;将来时” 。作形容词时意为“将来的,未来” 。

future英语单词用法 future是什么意思

1.N-SING The future is the period of time that will come after the present, or the things that will happen then. 未来
2.ADJ Future things will happen or exist after the present time. 未来 [ADJ n]
3.N-COUNT Someone's future, or the future of something, is what will happen to them or what they will do after the present time. (别人、某事物的) 将来
4.N-PLURAL When people trade in futures, they buy stocks and shares, commodities such as coffee or oil, or foreign currency at a price that is agreed at the time of purchase for items which are delivered some time in the future. 期货交易 [商业服务]
5.PHRASE You use in the future when saying what will happen from now on, which will be different from what has previously happened. 在将来
Future Movement 将来前线 ; 将来健身运动
Future market 期货交易市场 ; 未来销售市场 ; 未来销售市场
Future Plans 未来方案 ; 未来计划 ; 毕业后的准备 ; 对将来的安排
Future Fic 未来 ; 未来小说 ; 角色未来篇
My Future 未来的我 ; 我自己的未来 ; 未来日常生活 ; 我的未来
commodity future 期货交易
future expenses 将来支出 ; 将来花费
future exchange [金融业] 远期外汇 ; 商品期货 ; 期货交易公司 ; 期货外汇
Future guarantee 期货保证金 ; 期货交易保证金
1.The future belongs to democracy.
将来无疑是民主化的时代 。
2.Our future looks uncertain.
我们似乎前途迷茫 。
3.A date will be set for a future meeting.
也为未来大会确定一个日期 。
【future英语单词用法 future是什么意思】