小学 elementary school; primary school初中:junior highschool 高中: senior high school.大学:university硕士:master研究生:postgraduate博士:doctor.

middle school student 。
中学生 。
1、一些中学生在百货商店外面看橱窗 。
Some middle school students are window-shopping outside the department store.
2、但是他们表示在下一个满月之前,将需要全国的中学生来帮助他们理解即将发生的环境灾难,这个秘密是他自行可以揭开的 。
But they project that before the next full moon, they will need the help of middle-schoolers across the country to understand an impending environmental disaster, secrets that they alone can uncover.
3、Middle school students? view of females?
中学生女性性别角色观在五个维度上,性别差异明显 。
Each has an examination paper in his hand. The one With a high score looks very happy while the other with a low score is quite sad.
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