
busy这是一个英语单词 。用作修饰词时,近义:忙;活泼;被占用,用作动词时近义:忙,用作名词时近义:人名;(匈)布希;(法)比西 。
busy这个英语单词,由于用法较多,如果不能掌握适当的用法,很容易出现混淆现象 。
作为修饰词 (adj.)
He is busy with some important work.他正忙着解决一些重要的事情 。
He was busy getting ready for his journey.他正忙着准备旅行 。
The shop looked out into a busy street.这家商店靠近一条繁忙的街道 。
The traffic was at its height at the busy junction.在繁忙的交叉口,汽车交流处于高峰期 。


I tried to call Mr. Cooper, but the line was busy.我想给库柏先生打个电话,但总是占线 。
作为和物动词 (vt.)
To forget his trouble, he busied himself in his garden .为了忘记烦恼,他让自己忙于花园工作 。
As the final examinations draw near, students begin to busy themselves with reviewing.当期末考试即将到来时,学生们逐渐忙于备考 。
作为修饰词 (adj.)
~ 名词
the busy farming seasons 农忙季节
the busy hours 紧张的时刻
busy marketplace 热闹的市场
busy month 旺月
busy railway line 繁忙的铁路线
busy scene 忙碌的景色
busy seaport 忙碌的港口
busy street 热闹的街道
busy time 紧张的时刻
副词 ~
frightfully busy 非常忙
rather busy 非常忙
terribly busy 极忙