abbreviation的用法,by the way用法?

hj的意思:是主要用作缩写词的英语单词 , 作缩写词时译为“(拉)hic jacet” 。

单词用法:ABBREVIATION for on gravestones hic jacet 长眠于此 。



HJ Lim 林贤贞 ; 表演者 。

Jaycox Hj 名称 。

HJ Solar 恒基电力 。

Chang HJ 台湾肿瘤研究所常 。

Metcalf HJ 梅特卡夫 。

Hj Maroul 标签 。

HJ WEIR 伟易 。

HJ Kramer 出版社 。

abbreviation的用法,by the way用法?

by the way用法?
美国人在写邮件或者text的时候 , 常常使用一个词BTW , 那它是什么意思呢?
其实非常简单 , it’s the abbreviation of “By The Way”. 说到by the way , 相信大家都已经非常熟悉了 , 可是你知道它全部的用法吗?
今天大塔就来帮大家总结一下 。
1.incidentally, on a side note. An interjection meant to casually introduce or emphasize additional information in the conversation.
表示顺带提一下 , 补充说明点什么 。在对话当中 , 作为插入语 , 自然地强调或者补充一些额外的信息 。
Adele是我比较喜欢的歌手 , 我们在谈论她的时候就可以顺带引出一些信息 。
A: Adele is an amazing singer.
B: There's a concert next week, by the way.
比如朋友问你为什么不去参加那个party , 你可以说 , 
I will not be going to the party. By the way, I do not like him too much.
by the way 后面的信息用来补充说明你不去的原因是你不太喜欢他 。
By the way, I remembered where I left my keys, in case you were wondering.
顺便提一下 , 我记得钥匙放哪了 , 你不用疑惑 。
A: Is this one any good?
B: This is the largest and, by the way, the most expensive one we have in stock.
这是我们库存里最大而且也是最贵的一个 。
used for introducing something you have just thought of, which may or may not be connected to what has just been said.
2.a phrase indicating that the speaker is casually opening a new subject.展开一个新话题 。
A: Oh, by the way, Fred, do you still have that hammer you borrowed from me?
顺便问一下 , 我借给你的铁锤还在你那吗?
Fred: I'll check. I thought I gave it back.
我回去看看 , 我觉得好像还你了 。
A: By the by, don't you owe me some money?
对了 , 你是不是还欠我钱啊?
Fred: Who, me?
谁 , 我吗?
A在谈论完铁锤以后 , 展开了一个新话题 , 说到了欠钱的事 , B的言外之意是我怎么不记得我欠你钱?
【abbreviation的用法,by the way用法?】By the way, Jeff called this afternoon and he wants you to call him back.
对了 , Jeff下午来过电话 , 他希望你可以打一个给他 。
By the way, could you please make the dinner for all of us today?
对了 , 能请你今晚帮我们做饭吗?
3.used for saying that something is not important in the present situation or discussion
什么事情在当下的情境或者讨论当中不重要 。
Her academic qualifications are by the way. What we need is someone dynamic and creative.
她的学术条件不重要 , 我们需要找一个精力充沛的、有创造性的 。