明天的英语单词怎么写,next week和next weekend的区别?

Our neighbor captain Charles Alison is going to set out from Portsmouth. We are meeting him at the harbor in the morning. He's going to take his Topsail sailboat(小艇不知道咋翻) Topsail is a famous sailboat, it has crossed Atlantic Ocean several times. Captain is going to set out at 8 o'clock, so we have plenty of time. We are going to visit his boat and say good-bye to him. He is going to leave for two months, we are so proud of him, he is going to take part in a significant Atlantic Ocean crossing contest.

明天的英语单词怎么写,next week和next weekend的区别?

next week和next weekend的区别?
两者区别在week和weekend词意上面 。week为星期,时长一周,为7天 。而weekend为周末,就两天 。举例:we shall  go to work in San Ya next week下周我们去三亚出差 。
【明天的英语单词怎么写,next week和next weekend的区别?】How come not visit  a  old friend next weekend 。为什么下周末不去拜访一下老朋友呢?区别还是容易区分的