

蓝牙耳机:就是可以通过无线技术链接,获取信息 。
蓝牙可实现固定设备、移动设备和楼宇个人域网之间的短距离无线数据交换 。那么你知道蓝牙用英语怎么说吗?下面跟我一起学习蓝牙的英语知识吧 。
蓝牙的相关短语蓝牙技术 Bluetooth blue-tooth technology wireless bluetooth ′ s technology
蓝牙耳机 Bluetooth Headset BlueTooth Earphone Bluetooth HABALA
蓝牙输入 BlueInput BlueI ut
蓝牙音量 Bluetooth Volume
蓝牙助手 Bluetooth File Transfer BLUEFTP android
智能蓝牙 Bluetooth Smart Smart Bluetooth
打开蓝牙 Bluetooth ON Turn on Bluetooth
蓝牙软件 BlueSoleil IVT BlueSoleil
1. Bluetooth is an open specification for short - range wireless data and voice communication.
2. Bluetooth server simulation code integrity, and can be used directly.
蓝牙仿真服务器源代码完整, 并可以直接使用.
3. Weightless and stylish, the V 3 Bluetooth headset an accessory of beautiful purpose.
失重和时尚, v3蓝牙耳机,是从犯美丽的目的.
4. Your device cannot send or receive Bluetooth beams automatically.
5. At last the design and realization of bluetooth data terminal are introduced.
6. This application basically allows more than one Bluetooth connection to the phone.
7. With the Bluetooth technology used, it remains connected with the instrument.
璃DA可从仪器上取下来, 并仍可通过蓝牙技术与仪器连接.
8. You are just required to have bluetooth, USB technologies and the Web.
你只需要蓝牙 、 USB技术和网络就可以了.
9. It can be controlled by blue - tooth used in cell phones and computers.
10. Fax Machine, Digital Camera, Bluetooth Product, Monitor, Computer Peripherals, Hand Pc Telecommunication.
采购产品传真机器, 数码相机, 蓝牙产品, 监视器, 计算机外设,二手个人计算机电传视讯.
11. Bluetooth is the presently newest technical standard for short range radio.
12. Bluetooth is a new short - range technology for wireless communication.
13. Design and produce Bluetooth products, portable power management systems with professional technology.
14. The thesis also puts forward a new distributed scatternet construction algorithm - Saturation Algorithm.
然后本文提出了一种新的分布式蓝牙组网算法 — 饱和算法.
15. Add Bluetooth icon to dial screen while head set profile is connected.
关于蓝牙的英文阅读:走哪跟哪的智能行李箱Thanks to this new hands free suitcase, carrying around heavy luggage may soon become a thing of the past. Designed by Israeli company NUA Robotics, this 'smart' suitcase is the technological equivalent of Mary's little lamb – it'll follow you everywhere you go.
多亏这种新型智能行李箱解放了人们的双手,搬运沉重的行李箱将很快成为历史 。以色列灵性机器人公司研发出一种智能行李箱,它就像玛丽的小羊羔一样,主人走到哪它就跟到哪 。
The carry-on suitcase, currently a prototype, connects to a smartphone app via bluetooth. It has a built-in camera sensor that can 'see' you and follow you around on flat surfaces like airport floors. It comes with an anti-theft alarm to prevent someone snatching it away when you're not looking, and, for the icing on the cake, it has a backup battery that you can use to charge all your devices.
这种随身行李箱通过蓝牙与主人智能手机上的应用程序相连,现在尚处于雏形阶段 。箱子内置了摄像头探测器,只要是在像机场地面一样平坦的路面上,行李箱就可以“看”到主人并一直跟随其后 。箱子还配备了防盗报警器,以防主人不注意时被人偷走 。此外,更令人欣喜的是,箱子还配有备用电池,可以给所有设备充电 。
"It can follow and carry things for people around while communicating with their smartphone, and avoiding obstacles," explained Alex Libman, founder of NUA Robotics. "We're combining sensor network, computer vision, and robotics. So if you download our app, press the 'follow me' button, the luggage recognizes the specific user and knows to follow and communicate."
灵性机器人公司的创办人亚历克斯·利布曼解释道:“这种行李箱可以在和智能手机连接的情况下搬着行李跟随主人到处行走,并避开路障 。我们将传感器网络、计算机视觉和机器人结合在了一起 。所以如果你下载了我们的应用,只需按一下'跟我走'按钮,行李箱就会识别特定的用户,跟随该用户并与之交流 。”
NUA is still testing the device and trying improve features like speed and customization, but they hope to make the suitcase available to customers in a year's time. If it proves successful, they want to use the Bluetooth pairing technology to automate lots of other devices, like shopping carts at the supermarket. These devices are especially meant to be useful to the physically disabled and elderly. "Any object can be smart and robotic,” Libman told Mashable. “We want to bring robots into everyday life."
灵性机器人公司目前仍在测试这一设备并致力于提高速度和客户定制等功能,不过他们希望这种行李箱在一年后就能与消费者见面 。如果这种行李箱获得成功,他们想用蓝牙配对技术来推进许多其他设备的自动化,如超市里的购物车 。这些设备对残疾人和老年人尤其有用 。利布曼在Mashable网站上说:任何物体都可以变得智能化和自动化,我们希望把机器人带进人们的日常生活 。
The Israeli tech company made it clear that the smart suitcase they recently unveiled is just a prototype, and that the finished product will look just like a regular suitcase. They're planning to partner with a carry-on luggage maker, since the device that makes it 'smart' weighs just 2.5 pounds and can be fitted on old-fashion luggage.
这家以色列技术公司声称,他们最近公开的智能行李箱仅仅是一个雏形,成品的外形将是一个常规的行李箱 。他们将和随身行李制造商合作,因为这种让行李箱变得“智能”的设备重量只有2.5磅,可以安装在旧式行李箱中 。
Having to carry around heavy luggage is literally a burden, so NUA could be on to something with their smart suitcase, but it will be interesting how their invention will handle tough obstacles like stairs.
携带沉重的行李确实是一个负担,所以灵性机器人公司发明智能手提箱还算挺有眼光,不过他们的发明要如何搞定像楼梯这种高低不平的障碍呢?让我们拭目以待 。
1. Mac电脑与iPhone手机的蓝牙如何连接的方法
2. 什么是蓝牙 蓝牙的介绍
3. 怎样查看台式机是否有蓝牙功能设置
4. 蓝牙音响和Mac如何连接的方法
5. WIN10如何开启蓝牙功能
6. macbook 蓝牙鼠标如何设置
耳机的英文是headset 。
英 ['hedset]美 ['h?d's?t]
n. 耳机;头戴式受话器
1、During the race Mr. Taylor talks to the driver using a headset.
在比赛中,泰勒先生用耳麦与车手通话 。
2、Soon the wearer of a virtual reality headset will be able to be "present" at sporting or theatrical events staged thousands of miles away.
要不了多久,头戴虚拟现实视图器的人将能够“现场观看”几千英里之外举行的体育赛事或剧场演出 。
3、If you’re doing recording, invest in a good mic or headset.
如果你从事唱片工作,请购买上好的麦克风和耳机 。
例句:Can I have an earphone, please?
例句:If you have to, put on headphones.
如果你必须做,,就打开头戴的耳机 。
例句:While most users will connect the phone to Bluetooth earpieces, those two target-shaped areason the top and bottom are earpiece and receiver.
大部分用户会将手机连接到蓝牙耳机上,而机身顶端和底部的两个靶型区域正好就是听筒和接收器 。
例句:Do you need a head-telephone?
Bluetooth Headset 蓝牙耳机 蓝芽耳机 蓝牙产品 耳机
Cartridge Headset 车头碗组 碗组
Stereo Headset 立体声耳机 立体声语音 原装耳机
HS Headset 戴在头上的耳机或听筒 带在头上的耳机或听筒
wireless headset 无线耳机
headset profile 耳机模式 头戴式应用 头戴模式 耳机配置文件
Headset mic 耳机麦克风 信息通讯部耳机
HDS HeaDSet 头戴装置
【蓝牙耳机简称什么】Headset series 耳机系 头戴式系列 头带式系列