put on a cap是什么意思,going green写一篇英语作文?

cap和open的p发音一样: /p/
We can have a picnic in the open.
我们可以在户外野餐 。
Do n't put feathers in your own cap .
别尽往自己脸上贴金 。
He wadded his cap into his pocket .
他把帽子卷紧塞进口袋 。
You will be setting your cap at him now .
您要去勾引他了 。
Nanon took her cap and went out .
娜侬戴上头巾,出去了 。
That's a good joke but i think i can cap it .
那是个好笑话,但是我可以说得更好 。
The boy wore a white cap with a green peak .
这个男孩戴着一顶有绿色帽舌的白帽子 。
Rommel put on his cap and got out of the car .
隆美尔戴上帽子,从车子里走了出来 。
The haberdasher presented a cap .
帽匠拿出一顶帽子来 。

put on a cap是什么意思,going green写一篇英语作文?

【put on a cap是什么意思,going green写一篇英语作文?】going green写一篇英语作文?
Nowadays our planet is getting worse than before. In order to protect our living environment we have to go green. First we should save electricity. In addition we had better classify rubbish. At last we should get into the habit of planting trees.