【cute什么意思,请问cute是什么意思怎么读?】A girl
who is lovely and dreamy and cuddly and shy
and beautiful
and awwww *druel
以上来自urban dictionary
我觉得大概的意思就是觉得你娇小可爱的,也有觉得你好看的意思 。
神特么“Crush和爱的区别就在于,那份幻想还来不及变成行动,它就已经烟消云散 。”高赞答案摘抄的《送你一颗子弹》里的一篇文章,可惜那只是作者自己为了写出矫情的散文瞎几把诠释的 。
Crush就是一见倾心的意思,至于后来是发展为爱情还是无疾而终都是有可能的,这已经超出了这个词的描述范围 。
你只要想想你见到一个人第一眼就爱呀爱呀爱Ta爱到受不了是种什么感觉,然后这种感觉你用中文怎么说就可以了 。
硬要展开来说,还不如urban dictionary里的解释好呢:
Someone who makes you want to kill yourself and kill them because they are way too cute and beautiful to be yours and you just sit there and eat cheese burger with tears streaming down your face.
According to people, a crush is a person you admire with a burning passion. A person you wish to be with. A person who's fascinating beauty, gives you butterflies on the inside.
But let's all be real. A crush is a person you wish to fuck over the desk. 25 times a day. 8 days a week.
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