
grandfather和grandpa的区别:含义不同、用法不同、使用场合不同 。grandfather意为祖父、爷爷 , 指父亲或母亲的父亲 , 是“爷爷”的书面语形式 , 多用于文字作品里;grandpa意为姥爷、外公 , 是“爷爷”的口语形式 , 多为交流时使用 。
grandfather作为名词 , 意为(外)祖父;爷爷;外公 。例句有:
【grandpa是什么意思,grandpa是什么词性?】1、My grandfather lost his life in the war.
我的祖父在战争中丧生 。
2、Her grandfather had worked his passage to America.
她的祖父一路在船上打工支付船费来到美国 。
3、His second name is Willem, after his grandfather.
他的中间名是威廉 , 取自他祖父的名字 。
4、His grandfather remembered him in his will.
他爷爷在遗嘱中给他留下了一笔钱 。
5、Adam spent a lot of time in his grandfather's office
亚当经常呆在他祖父的办公室里 。
6、Grandfather set them up in a liquor business.
爷爷资助他们经营酒业 。
grandpa作为名词 , 意为(外)祖父;爷爷;姥爷;外公 。例句有:
1、Grandpa was not yet back from the war.
爷爷当时还没有从战场归来 。
2、Tell Grandpa the good news so that he can share our joy.
快把这消息告诉你爷爷 , 叫他老人家也高兴高兴 。
3、When Grandpa shows his authority, we are all afraid of him.
爷爷一发威 , 全家人都害怕 。
4、The manuscript of my grandpa's novel disappeared in the war.
爷爷的小说手稿在战争中佚失了 。
5、The grandpa and his grandchildren were enjoying the cool under the tree.
爷儿几个在树荫下乘凉 。


Grandpa 是一个名词  , 意思是:老爷 、爷爷。这个词用于口语中是grandfather的 同义词  , 这个词的对应词是grandma  , 
Grandpa这个词是一个表示家庭成员之间关系的词  , 它的英文解释是:father or mother's father .
Grandpa在句中做主语时  , 谓语动词用第三人称单数的形式