
tomato没有反义词 。
The tomatoes are not yet ripe .
西红柿还没熟 。
A barrage of more tomatoes and several eggs followed .
更多的西红柿和好几个鸡蛋接二连三地飞了过来 。
The tomato vines had blackened and the red globes had burst .
番茄藤已变黑,颗颗鲜红的番茄裂纹绽开 。
A crop of tomatoes enriches the soil and makes it suitable for growing cabbage .
西红柿茬口壮,种白菜挺合适 。
These tomatoes were picked only yesterday, notice how firm and ripe they are .
这些番茄是昨天摘下来的,瞧,全都熟透了,长得挺饱满 。
You 're to spoon the tomatoes into the jars , mary , and jack is to spoon out bowls of porridge .
玛丽,你把番茄舀进罐子里,贾克用匙子舀粥 。
She is planning to buy two chickens, two heads of cabbage, four tomatoes and two loaves of bread .
她准备买两只鸡,两棵白菜,四个西红柿和两条面包 。
The shelves were filled with all sorts of vegetables -- eggplants , cucumbers , cabbages , tomatoes .
茄子啊,黄瓜啊,卷心菜啊,西红柿啊,各种蔬菜摆满了货架 。


2.可数名词复数变化规则:①一般词尾末尾直接加s②以s,x,ch, sh,结尾的单词后面加es③以辅音加y结尾的单词变y为i加es.④以f或fe结尾的的单词变f或fe为v,加es⑤以o结尾的单词,有生命的加s无生命的加es 。⑥不规则变换 。
3.所以这里以o结尾且是无生命,所以加es 。