
英式读法是['e?p??t],美式读法是['erp??rt] 。
意思是<美>航空站、(飞)机场、通气口、航空港 。
1、It will take an hour to reach the airport, allowing for traffic delay.
把路上交通的耽搁估计在内,要一个小时才能到达机场 。
2、After a warm discussion it was decided to start building the new airport right away.
经过热烈讨论,决定马上开始修建这个新机场 。
3、A visitor arrived just as we were setting out for the airport.
我们正要前往机场时来了一位客人 。
【airport是什么意思,airport怎么读?】4、I suggest that we leave early for the airport.
我提议早点去机场 。
5、Then we boarded the bus and headed for the airport.
然后,我们上了公共汽车,直奔飞机场 。

1、我们乘坐的飞机到达盖特威克机场 。
误 Our plane arrived at the Gatewick Airport.
正 Our plane arrived at Gatewick Airport.
析 在机场、火车站等专有名词前通常不用定冠词 。
2、他昨天在机场上接了他叔叔 。
误 He met his uncle on the airport yesterday.
正 He met his uncle at the airport yesterday.
析 “在机场上”,要说at the airport,不可说on the airport 。
1919年进入英语,意为空中港口 。


英式读法是['e?p??t],美式读法是['erp??rt] 。
意思是<美>航空站、(飞)机场、通气口、航空港 。
1、It will take an hour to reach the airport, allowing for traffic delay.
把路上交通的耽搁估计在内,要一个小时才能到达机场 。
2、After a warm discussion it was decided to start building the new airport right away.
经过热烈讨论,决定马上开始修建这个新机场 。
3、A visitor arrived just as we were setting out for the airport.
我们正要前往机场时来了一位客人 。
4、I suggest that we leave early for the airport.
我提议早点去机场 。
5、Then we boarded the bus and headed for the airport.
然后,我们上了公共汽车,直奔飞机场 。