turn是什么意思,turn 加什么是改变的意思?

下面都是我自己总结的~,希望能帮到你 :)
1. turn on sth 打开,发动. 例子:Would you please turn the TV on? 能不能帮我把电视打开?
turn off sth 关闭 关掉. 与turn on sth 用法一样 。
2. turn up sth 开大(一般情况下指调节音量大小,灯光明暗,或煤气大小等);出现 。例1:Turn the radio up please, I can't hear it clearly. 例2. We settled to meet at 7:30 at the cinima,but he didn't turn up.我们约好7点半在电影院见面 但是他没有出现 。例3.
turn down sth 关小;调低;拒绝 。与 turn sth up基本用法一样 。例1.So we have to turn down the other a little bit.我们必须把另一个麦克风也音量也调小一点 。例2. How can you turn down such a poor little girl.你怎么能拒绝这个可怜的小女孩呢?
3.turn sb/sth away 解雇;避开;打发;转过脸 。例1.Some refugees were turned away. There were too many hungry mouths to feed already. 一些难民们被打发走了,因为需要提供食物的饥民太多了 。例2.The nursing school is forced to turn away some good teachers.护校被迫解雇了一些好的教师 。
4.turn one‘s back on不理睬 例,He turned his back on me, no matter how hard I was crying.无论我哭的多么厉害,他都不理睬我 。
5. turn into进入;使变成,使成为 。例1,The reactants are going to turn into products.反应物将要变成生成物 。例2, How did you turn into such a unreasonable person! 你怎么变得这么不可理喻 。
【turn是什么意思,turn 加什么是改变的意思?】6. turn in转身进入;拐入;交出;举报;上床睡觉 例1, Did you really turn in the Captain?真的是你举报的队长么?例2. The exam is finished, please turn your papers in.考试结束了,请把考卷交上来 。
turn oneself in 自首
7. turn against对…采取敌对态度;反对;背叛 。例1.Do you want me to turn against my own brother?你想让我背叛我的亲兄弟?例2.Why did they suddenly turn again you?他们为什么突然反对你?
8.take turns依次,轮流 。例. Let's take turns fill the bottles with water.我们来轮流把这些瓶子灌满水 。
9.turn back折回;往回走 。例. Suddenly, he turned back running to me.他突然转身跑向我 。
10. turn sth over运转;翻过来;仔细考虑,移交 。例1.It is a chance to turn over a new leaf.这是一个重新开始的好机会 。(字面上解释为翻开新的一页)
11.turn out生产;驱逐;翻转;结果是 。。例1.It didn't turn out well.结果并不太好;后来变得不来好 。例2. It didn't exactly turn out as I planned.结局并不是我计划的那样 。
12.turn around转机;转变 。例. I saved everybody's life, but he turned around and told everyone that he was the hero.我救了所有人的命,但是他却说他才是真正的英雄 。
make up 弥补;组成;化妆;整理;例1.Many kinds of molecules make up your coffee. 许多不同种类的分子构成了你的咖啡 。例2.He made up a story in order to let me believe him. 他为了让我相信他而编造了一个故事 。例3. He wants to do something to make up the faults he has made.他想做些什么来弥补他所犯的错 。
What's he like?他什么样?他是什么样的人? What does he like?他喜欢什么?
这两个句子意思不一样的 。

turn是什么意思,turn 加什么是改变的意思?

turn 加什么是改变的意思?
turn有“转动,旋转;改变,转变,成为;改变方向,转弯”这三种含义 。其可以指某物转动、旋转,比如转动钥匙开锁,这里的转动就可以用“turn”来描述 。
其也可以用来指外形、颜色、气味、性质等方面发生变化,比如叶子变成了黄色,这里的“变成”就可以用turn来表示,也可以用来描述开车时的转弯 。