
would是一个助动词,或者叫做情态动词,它有两种用法:第一种用法叫would do,普通的过去将来时指的是在当时的时候将来要发生的事 。另外一个用法是虚拟语气,would do、would have done,这些都是虚拟语气 。扩展资料
It would be monstrously unfair.

那将太不公平了 。

Why would anyone want that job?


Would you like another drink?


I would reject that contention.

我不会同意那种观点 。


* I thought she would be lookingafter you. 我想她会照顾你的 。
* He said he would teach English the following year. 他说过接下来的那一年会教英语 。
* He said he would come. 他说过他会来 。2)t用于婉转地提出请求
* Would you excuse me? 你能原谅我吗?
* Would you pass me the bottle? 请你递给我那个瓶子好吗?
* What would you like? 你喜欢什么?3)t表示 “愿意”, “肯”, “会” 等意思
* He would not let me have a try. 他不肯让我试一下 。
* I wound not like to wash the clothes for you. 我才不愿意替你洗衣服呢 。
* He would never look at me again. 他再也不会看我一眼了 。
* He would take it away whether you would or not. 不管你是否愿意,他都会带走它的 。
* She wouldn't give the names of her partners. 她拒绝讲出她姐妹们的名字 。4)t过去的习惯性动作或倾向 。
* Sometimes we would go to the countryside. 有时候我们会到乡下去 。
* He would get up early when he lived in the country. 他住在乡下时总是早起 。
* On Sundays he would be stay up late. 星期天他会熬夜到很晚 。
* Sometimes we would sit together chatting. 有时我们会坐在一起聊天 。
* Whatever happened, he would notmind. 无论发生什么,他都不会在意的 。5)t表示猜测
* He would be back today. 想必他今天回来了 。
* I wound say the meeting had been postponed. 我猜会议是推迟了 。
* I think he would accept the invitation. 我想他会接受邀请的 。
【would是什么意思,would的用法?】* He would have gone away with my umbrella. 他可能带着我对雨伞走了 。