
of 英 [?v]美 [?v]双解释义prep.t(介词)1、(表示时间)在…的,在…之前; 在…期间 in front of; during2、(表示方式)根据 according to;3、(表示对象)对于,就…而言 as far as例句:用作介词t(prep.)1、I have heard of him.我听说过他 。2、This is a photograph of my dog.这是一张我的狗的照片 。3、He is a friend of my father.他是我父亲的朋友 。4、He is a Prime Minister of working class origin.他是一位工人出身的总理 。5、He listed the kings and queens of England.他列出了英国的所有的国王和王后名字 。扩展资料:近义词的用法from英 [fr?m]美 [fr?m]释义:prep. 出自;来自;从( ... 起)例句用作介词t(prep.)1、He descended from a good family.他出自名门 。2、From what author does this quotation come?这一引文出自哪位作者?3、Bitter words from you will only wound her.出自你口中的尖刻话只会伤害她而已 。4、My answer seemed to come from the subconscious.我的回答似乎出自下意识 。5、I had a phone call from Mary.我接到了玛丽的电话 。


【of是什么意思,to和of分别是什么意思?】of 隐含有“从属”的意思,即 前者从属于后者to 隐含有“对象”的意思,即后者是前者的作用对象 另for 隐含有“目的”的意思,即后者是前者的意图,目的 。比如: I have bought a present to you for your birthday, It's one of the Apple's products. you是present的对象;而your birthday是present的目的;而apple's products是present从属的范围,即present属于“one of the Apple's products”