安全漏洞|pip-audit:功能强大的安全漏洞扫描工具( 二 )

                        against (choices: osv pypi) (default: pypi)

  -d --dry-run         without `--fix`: collect all dependencies but do not

                        perform the auditing step; with `--fix`: perform the

                        auditing step but do not perform any fixes (default:


  -S --strict          fail the entire audit if dependency collection fails

                        on any dependency (default: False)

  --desc [{onoffauto

                        include a description for each vulnerability; `auto`

                        defaults to `on` for the `json` format. This flag has

                        no effect on the `cyclonedx-json` or `cyclonedx-xml`

                        formats. (default: auto)

  --cache-dir CACHE_DIR

                        the directory to use as an HTTP cache for PyPI; uses

                        the `pip` HTTP cache by default (default: None)

  --progress-spinner {onoff

                        display a progress spinner (default: on)

  --timeout TIMEOUT     set the socket timeout (default: 15)

  --path PATHS          restrict to the specified installation path for

                        auditing packages; this option can be used multiple

                        times (default: [

  -v --verbose         give more output; this setting overrides the

                        `PIP_AUDIT_LOGLEVEL` variable and is equivalent to

                        setting it to `debug` (default: False)

  --fix                 automatically upgrade dependencies with known

                        vulnerabilities (default: False)