




刚刚“老伙计”国外传来邮件 。 【iPhone|爆料iPhone14普通版依旧搭载A15芯片,会影响果粉们的买气吗?】

Old buddy the latest news it is said that Apple has added a large number of orders for A15 chips to TSMC almost all of which are full-blooded versions. It should be prepared in advance for the ordinary version of iPhone14 and the 4-nanometer A16 orders are not too many at present. I estimate that Apple's strategy this year is consistent with last year's using high and low matching iPhone14 and max are equipped with A15 full-blooded versions and the iPhone14Pro series is a brand-new A16 in order to distinguish the positioning of the product and the iPhone14 ordinary version of the upgrade is not large then the price reduction of the iPhone13 Sales will definitely soar!
译为:老伙计 , 最新消息 , 据说苹果已经向台积电追加了大量的A15芯片的订单 , 几乎都是满血的版本 , 应该是为了iPhone14普通版本提前准备 , 并且4奈米的A16订单目前不算多 , 我估计苹果今年的策略和去年的一致 , 采用高低配 , iPhone14和max搭载A15满血版本 , iPhone14Pro系列则是全新的A16 , 以此来区分产品的定位 , 并且iPhone14普通版升级幅度不大的话 , 降价后的iPhone13销量肯定会一飞冲天!

结语:看来今年的iPhone13系列销售火爆 , 给了苹果极大的信心 。 这次提前备货 , 拒绝脱销 , 让果粉们更快拿到新机 。
小伙伴们觉得依旧搭载A15的iPhone14 , 会影响果粉们的“买气”吗?